Multiplayer Kahoot Game by using Java to simulate the common functions of creating and playing an online game. By using Multithreading, Networking, OOP, Exception Handling developed as a server side and as a client side.
Program Design
1.GameServer: Main JavaFX GUI file. Generate Random 6 digits number as pin. Questions and Results of the Game will appear here.
2.Player: Enter the pin (generated on the server side) of the game. Has username, points.
3.Questions: Abstract class; Read from the .txt file that was chosen by “Choose File” . Shuffle order of the options. Has 2 types of Test questions: Question with 4 options and True/False question.
4.Test class Extends the Question class; Creates a multiple-choice test question; Several possible options (only 4 for now), including single correct answer; Labels are set automatically, starting from A, B, C, ….
5.FillIn class (Fill + In) Extends the Question class; Fill in the blanks question type; Only one blank , that is indicated by “{blank}” string in a text file; The answer is case-insensitive.
6.Quiz class Consists of list of questions; Throws InvalidQuizFormatException if the file format is not correct;
7.InvalidQuizFormatException class A special exception type thrown if the input file format is not correct; Prints an appropriate error message.
8.Quiz text file Each question separated by exactly one empty line; Two types of questions: Test or FillIn; First line: question description; Second line: answer; If only one answer line, then it is a FillIn type question; In case there are multiple answer lines following the question description, this is a Test type question, the first answer being the correct one;
Sample run of the program: - as a server side - as a client side