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GUI and gamepad library for LÖVE for Android Devices. Have been only tested in [LÖVE 11.3]. No guarantee it will work on other versions. Demo of MonkeyLove

This Library use some globals for convenience. More info below.



A customizable analog stick. Can be not static or static. Demo of Analog

Create a analog instance:

newAnalog = Analog:new(Ar, Right, Ax, Ay, Br, Bd, BBy, Spring, Reclick, Limited, Range, Release, Hitbox)
Arg Explanation
Ar Analog radius.
Right If true and is not static, the stick will be in the right-side of the screen.
Ax, Ay Position X and Y of the Analog in the screen if is static. If Ax and Ay are nil, the analog will be a static one.
Br Button of the stick radius. Default to Ar/2.
Bd Stick deadzone. Range between 0 and 1. Default to 0.
BBy OffSet of Bounding Box Y. Used only if the stick is not static. Range 0 to ScreenHeight/2.
Spring If true, the analog stick returns to the center after being released. If false, stays in place and retains movement output. Default to true.
Reclick If true, you can catch the stick after being released before it reaches the center (with spring on). If false, the stick can only be grabbed again once it reaches the center. Default to true.
Limited If true, does not change the stick's angle if you move it further than its effect radius. If false, moves it around as if it was being moved within its effect radius. Default to false.
Range If true, releases the stick once you move it further than its effect radius (with spring on). If false, continues taking actions based on the previous setting. Default to false.
Release Defines the time (in seconds) it takes for the stick to reach the center once released (with spring on). Default to 0.2.
Hitbox Radius of the stick's hitbox. Default to Ar.

Return X position of the stick. Range from -1 to 1.


Return Y position of the stick. Range from -1 to 1.


Return true or false about whether or not the stick is being held.


Enable/Disable a button instance.



A customizable gamepad. Demo of Gamepad

Create a gamepad button instance. Demo of GamepadButton

GPButton = Gamepad:new(Radius,X,Y,Label,Normal,Pressed,Font,Mode)
Arg Explanation
Radius Radius of the button.
X,Y Position X and Y of the button.
Label Label of the gamepad button.
Normal,Pressed Button color if not pressed and if pressed respectively.
Font Previously loaded font.
Mode Mode of Default to "fill".

Create a preset gamepad instance.

Gamepad:setGamepad(Radius, Number, D_pad, Px, Py, Font, Mode)
Arg Explanation
Radius Radius of all buttons.
Number Number of buttons draw. Range between 1 and 4. For the Default buttons names, see below.
D_pad If true will be draw a D-pad. For the Default buttons names, see below.
Px, Py Position X and Y of the formation center of frontal buttons. Not change the D-pad position.
Font Previously loaded font.
Mode Mode of Default to "fill".
Value Buttons names
Number = 1 Gamepad.B
Number = 2 Gamepad.B, Gamepad.A
Number = 3 Gamepad.B, Gamepad.A, Gamepad.X
Number = 4 Gamepad.B, Gamepad.A, Gamepad.X, Gamepad.Y
D_pad = true Gamepad.DOWN, Gamepad.RIGHT, Gamepad.UP, Gamepad.LEFT

Buttons formation. Demo of Gamepad4Buttons

D-pad. Demo of GamepadD-pad

Return true or false about whether or not the gamepad button is being held.


Return true or false if the gamepad button is pressed.


Return true or false if the gamepad button is released.


Enable/Disable all gamepad buttons.



A customizable rectangular button. Demo of Button

Create a button instance.

Button = Button:new(image, w, h, x, y, label, onClick, normal, pressed, toggled, onToggle, labelToggled, font, onRelease, update)
Arg Explanation
image ExplanationPreviously loaded image or Path to load a new one. If this argument is nil, then will be create a rectangle instead
w, h Width and height of the rectangle if is not used a image. Else make them nil.
x, y Position X and Y of the Button in the screen.
label Label of the button.
onClick Callback of the button(function).
normal, pressed, toggled Button color if not pressed, if pressed and in toggled state respectively.
onToggle Callback of the button in toggled state(function). If nil toggled will be disabled.
labelToggled Label when its in toggled state.
font Previously loaded font.
onRelease Callback when the button is released(function). Not fully tested.
update Callback of the button every update(function). Not fully tested.

Enable/Disable a button instance.


Button in Toggled state. Demo of ToggleButton

Button in Disabled state. Demo of DisabledButton


A text input. Demo of EditText

Create a EditText instance.

newEditText = EditText:new(x, y, w, align, font, lineColor, focusColor, fontColor, callback, customtext, filter)
Arg Explanation
x, y Position X and Y of the EditText in the screen.
w Width of the line(max width of the input text).
align Align of the text("left", "center", or "right").
font Previously loaded font.
lineColor, focusColor, fontColor Line color in normal state, line color in focus state and font color respectively.
callback Callback when "return" key is pressed(function).
customtext Text already entered.
filter String with all allowed characters.

Enable/Disable a EditText instance.



A multi-uses progress bar. Demo of ProgressBar

Create a ProgressBar instance.

newProgressBar = ProgressBar:new(x, y, maxw, h, maxv, minv, text1, text2, font, barColor, fontColor, notFilled, minw)
Arg Explanation
x, y Position X and Y of the ProgressBar in the screen.
maxw Width of the progress bar.
h Height of the progress bar.
maxv Max printed value. Set to 100.
minv Min printed value. Set to 0.
text1 Text before printed value.
text2 Text after printed value.
font Previously loaded font.
barColor, fontColor, notFilled Bar color, font color and bar not filled color respectively.
minw Start position of the increment Bar. Set to 0. Not used.

Icrease the value in ProgressBar instance.


Pauses/Resume a ProgressBar instance.



A slider. Demo of Slider

Create a Slider instance.

newSlider = Slider:new(x, y, w, max, cursor, radius, normal, alpha)
Arg Explanation
x, y Position X and Y of the Slider in the screen.
w Width of the Slider.
max Max representable value of the slider.
cursor Cursor custom position.
radius Radius of the cursor.
normal,alpha Slider color and guide rectangle color respectively.

Return the current value of the Slider instance.


Enable/Disable a Slider instance.



A stepper for toggle options. Demo of Stepper

Create a Slider instance.

newStepper = Stepper:new(x, y, w, h, lLabel, rLabel, max, selections, step, loop, separation, custom, font, normal, pressed)
Arg Explanation
x, y Position X and Y of the Stepper in the screen.
w, h Width and height of the Stepper. The width does not include the width of the buttons(width of button = height of stepper).
lLabel, rLabel Left button label and right button label respectively.
max Max number of selections/value.
selections Table with selections/options for toggle.
step Number of steps taken by the Stepper each time a button is pressed.
loop (Boolean) If is true then the stepper will move in loop.
separation Separation between Buttons and selection/value label.
custom Preselected value.
font Previously loaded font.
normal Normal color of the buttons and selection box.
pressed Buttons pressed color.

Enable/Disable a Slider instance.


Return the current selection/value of the Stepper instance.



Useful multipurpose functions.

Return(boolean). Return true if the touch is inside of a given rectangle.

isInsideBoundingBox(self, tx, ty)

Return(boolean). Return true if the touch is inside of a given circle.

isInsideCircle(self, tx, ty)

Return(number). Distance between 2 points.

getDistance(x2, y2, x1, y1)

Return(number). Angle in radians given 2 points.

getAngle(x2, y2, x1, y1)

Draw a customizable label, vertically centered given a height.

setLabel(text, font, x, y, limit, height, align, r, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky)

Demo of Label For more info see

Load and set a ".ttf" font located in "assets/font". Don't use this function inside of draw or update, because can cause slow downs.

setFont(name, size)

Allow to use web notation of colors.(0-255, alpha default to 255).

rgb(r, g, b, a)

Return(table). Return grayscale color, 0=Black y 1=White. Alpha defaults to 1.

grayscale(level, alpha)

Return(table), of a already preset color. Alpha defaults to 1.

colors(color, alpha)

Demo of Colors


First Copy the "monkey love" lua file and the folder with the same name into the directory of your project. Next require it in your main(or leading file in your project):

local MonkeyLove = require 'path_to_file.monkeylove'

Where "path_to_file" is the directory where you put "monkeylove" folder and lua file. At last, in love's callbacks add:

function love.update(dt)

function love.draw()

function love.textinput(text)

function love.keypressed(key, scancode, isrepeat)
	MonkeyLove:keypressed(key, scancode, isrepeat)

function love.touchpressed(id, x, y)
	MonkeyLove:touchpressed(id, x, y)

function love.touchmoved(id, x, y)
	MonkeyLove:touchmoved(id, x, y)

function love.touchreleased(id, x, y)
	MonkeyLove:touchreleased(id, x, y)


Global Variables:

Variable Module
class init.lua
Tools init.lua
Analog init.lua (Class Module)
Gamepad init.lua (Class Module)
Button init.lua (Class Module)
EditText init.lua (Class Module)
ProgressBar init.lua (Class Module)
Slider init.lua (Class Module)
Stepper init.lua (Class Module)

Global Variables:

Variable Module
defaultLineWidth() tools.lua
isInsideBoundingBox() tools.lua
isInsideCircle() tools.lua
getAngle() tools.lua
getDistance() tools.lua
getFontYOffset() tools.lua
setLabel() tools.lua
setFont() tools.lua
rgb() tools.lua
grayscale() tools.lua
colors() tools.lua

For more info, see the example Demo.


Library for Love2d







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