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This is a hack developed for a hackathon. We intend to continue working on it and release it someday but currently the project is definitely not in a usable state, except for demo / test purpose.
redisk is an embeddable, portable (hopefully), disk-persistent Redis compatible C library featuring:
- a brand new Redis protocol parser written with the Ragel state machine compiler,
- a dedicated server layer written on-top of libuv,
- an extensible backend layer via a Redis API C-based skeleton,
- Tokyo Cabinet as default backend.
You can use it with or without the server-stack, i.e in an embedded fashion by
taking benefit of the rk_tcdb_t
C programmatic API.
The backend layer has been inspired from another similar project called lycadb by yowgi.
It should be interesting for you if you want to run/embedd Redis e.g:
- on a mobile device with limited RAM, e.g.:
- as an alternative embedded data store, to manipulate data the Redis way,
- to implement a general purpose on-disk URL cache,
- to implement a persistent store used to collect client-side logs, tasks, etc to be handled asynchronously,
- on a development machine on which a production dataset may not fit in memory,
- on a production machine:
- as a backend to collect a very large amount of logs (e.g. see Fluent event collector),
- as a slave dedicated to disk-based replication.
First you need to install the Ragel compiler. If you are on OS X and use homebrew just type:
brew install ragel
Then clone/get the dependencies (libuv and Tokyo Cabinet 1.4.47) by typing:
make get-deps
At last compile redisk
by typing:
TIP for a recap type
make help
On a terminal, start the redisk
server on the port of your choice (e.g. 1981) by typing:
./redisk 1981
listening on port 1981
You can then use the redis-cli
command line client to interact with redisk
, e.g. within another terminal:
$ redis-cli -p 1981 SET mykey Hello
$ redis-cli -p 1981 GET mykey
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "tcdb.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
rk_tcdb_t *db;
bool diag;
char *res;
int len;
/* Initialize the database */
db = rk_tcdb_new();
if (!rk_tcdb_open(db, "rk.db")) {
fprintf(stderr, "open error\n");
/* SET key value */
diag = rk_tcdb_set(db, "mykey", 5, "Hello", 5);
printf(" SET mykey \"Hello\" -> %s\n", diag ? "OK" : "(error)");
/* GET key */
res = rk_tcdb_get(db, "mykey", 5, &len);
printf(" GET mykey -> %s\n", res ? res : "(nil)");
/* Cleanup */
if (!rk_tcdb_close(db)) {
fprintf(stderr, "close error\n");
if (res) free(res);
return 0;
The project is still very young and has many room for improvements, e.g:
- write the missing Redis API commands (e.g. LINDEX, SINTER, etc),
- extend C API to support variadic commands (e.g. HMGET),
- introduce error codes to properly bubble up errors,
- write documentation,
- write tests,
- plug in another DBM backend, e.g:
- sqlite,
- Berkeley DB,
- leveldb,
- etc
- improve the build system,
- packaging, i.e create a static library that wraps the backend layer to make it easy to embed,
- introduce parameters to tune things up (e.g Tokyo bucket number, cache size, etc),
- support zsets (low priority),
- etc
Known bugs:
- probably lots of memory leaks & issues to fix with Valgrind
If you enjoy it, feel free to fork and send your pull requests!
This project has been created at Hack Day Paris - a Paris based 40-hour marathon of hyper-intensive design and development.