Yet Another 4chan Downloader.
I made this learning how to use the Puppeteer framework. This project is nothing special but it does the job.
This thing is made using node, so the standard npm install
will do the job.
The first line of the file is your download location, change this to where you want your stuff downloaded to.
Once everything is set up, you can download a thread with:
npm run dl [thread]/thread/[id]
basically the last part of the url, like this one:
npm run dl wsg/thread/2796326
This is something I care about that much, with that in mind. Sometimes when downloading a thread, it will just stop. Re running the script seems to solve this.
Each run will download /everything/ even if it already exists.
If I find myself using this to download gondolas I might the ability to watch for thread updates and download recent content, right now its not something I have the time for or really need.