A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool
Control your ESP8266/ESP32 with simple yet powerful configuration files created and managed by ESPHome
Victron BlueSmart IP22 Charger interface
Modify Ikea UPPÅTVIND into "smart" purifier with ESPHome
NVR with realtime local object detection for IP cameras
Zero Export Script for Hoymiles Inverters using AhoyDTU / OpenDTU and Tasmota Smart Meter inferface / Shelly 3EM / SHRDZM / Emlog / ioBroker
A unique leveling solution for Klipper-enabled 3D printers!
Notifications at device start or end by telegram, Alexa, Whatsapp, sayit, pushover, email
A customizable Android and iOS/iPadOS WhatsApp database parser that will give you the history of your WhatsApp conversations in HTML and JSON. Android Backup Crypt12, Crypt14, Crypt15, and new sche…
arichornlover / uYouEnhanced
Forked from qnblackcat/uYouPlusuYouEnhanced (by @arichornlover) is an expanded version of uYou+ (made by @qnblackcat) with additional features and mainly made for non jailbroken users!
Linux Driver for USB WiFi Adapters that are based on the RTL8812BU and RTL8822BU Chipsets - v5.13.1
AHOY-DTU ( delivers power metrics from inverter via MQTT to ioBroker. Your ioBroker writes this data to InfluxDB. The Grafana dashboard consumes data from InfluxDB…
Victron Mppt charger to esphome node
qnblackcat / uYouPlus
Forked from MiRO92/uYou-for-YouTubeuYou+ is a modified version of uYou (made by @MiRO92) with additional features and mainly made for non jailbroken users!
A Discord-like dark theme for the Proxmox Web UI.
Marlin is an optimized firmware for RepRap 3D printers based on the Arduino platform. Many commercial 3D printers come with Marlin installed. Check with your vendor if you need source code for your…
Steuerung von bisher nicht unterstützten Xiaomi Geräten in Iobroker via node-mihome