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Your complete guide to learning about Database Tuning βš™οΈπŸ”§.

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Database Tuning


  1. Query 1:
    1. Description: Find posts of users in city 1 with more than 20 likes.
    2. Query:
            SELECT p.body FROM posts p
            JOIN user_posts up ON up.post_id =
            JOIN users u ON = up.user_id
            JOIN likes l ON l.post_id =
            WHERE = 'city 1'
            GROUP BY
            HAVING COUNT( > 20;
    1. Explain:
      1. The query will first join the posts table with user_posts table on post_id column.
      2. Then it will join the result with users table on user_id column.
      3. Then it will join the result with likes table on post_id column.
      4. Then it will filter the result by city column.
      5. Then it will group the result by id column.
      6. Then it will filter the result by COUNT( > 20.
    2. Query Tree: Query Tree
  2. Query 2:
    1. Description: Find all the comments and posts of a user that is older than 25 and lives in city 1
    2. Query:
            SELECT uc.comment_id, up.post_id FROM users u
            INNER JOIN user_posts up ON = up.user_id
            INNER JOIN user_comments uc ON = uc.user_id
            WHERE u.age > 25 and = 'city 1'
            GROUP BY up.post_id , uc.comment_id;
    1. Explain:
      1. The query will first join the users table with user_posts table on id column.
      2. Then it will join the result with user_comments table on user_id column.
      3. Then it will filter the result by age > 25 and city = 'city 1'.
      4. Then it will group the result by post_id and comment_id.
    2. Query Tree: Query Tree
  3. Query 3:
    1. Description: Find the posts with most likes in city 1.
    2. Query:
             SELECT p.body,, COUNT( AS likes_count
             FROM posts p
             JOIN user_posts up ON up.post_id =
             JOIN users u ON = up.user_id
             JOIN likes l ON l.post_id =
             WHERE = 'city 1'
             GROUP BY, p.body
             ORDER BY likes_count DESC;
    1. Explain:
      1. The query will first join the posts table with user_posts table on post_id column.
      2. Then it will join the result with users table on user_id column.
      3. Then it will join the result with likes table on post_id column.
      4. Then it will filter the result by city = 'city 1'.
      5. Then it will group the result by city and body.
      6. Then it will order the result by likes_count in descending order.
    2. Query Tree: Query Tree
  4. Query 4:
    1. Description: Get the full details of all the posts that has 1 in the title and 2 in the body from users that are older than 28 and live in city 1
    2. Query:
             SELECT up.post_id , p.body , p.title  
             FROM  users u
             INNER JOIN user_posts up ON = up.user_id
             INNER JOIN user_comments uc ON = uc.user_id
             INNER JOIN posts p ON = up.post_id
             INNER JOIN comments c ON = uc.comment_id
             WHERE u.age > 28 and u.City = 'city 1' and
             p.title LIKE '%title 1%' and p.body LIKE '%body 2%' 
             GROUP BY up.post_id, p.body, p.title;
    1. Explain:
      1. The query will first join the users table with user_posts table on id column.
      2. Then it will join the result with user_comments table on user_id column.
      3. Then it will join the result with posts table on post_id column.
      4. Then it will join the result with comments table on comment_id column.
      5. Then it will filter the result by age > 28 and city = 'city 1' and title LIKE '%title 1%' and body LIKE '%body 2%'.
      6. Then it will group the result by post_id, body, title.
    2. Query Tree: Query Tree

Postgres Server Old Schema

Postgres Schema

Postgres Server Enhanced Schema

Postgres Schema


Subquery Optimizations

  1. Query 1:
    1. Description: Find posts of users in city 1 with more than 20 likes.
    2. Query:
            SELECT p.body FROM posts p
            where in 
            (SELECT up.post_id FROM user_posts up JOIN users u ON = up.user_id WHERE = 'city 1') 
            And in 
            (SELECT l.post_id FROM likes l GROUP BY l.post_id HAVING COUNT( > 20);
    1. Explain:
      1. The query will first join the user_posts table with users table on id column.
      2. Then it will filter the result by city = 'city 1'.
      3. Then it will join the result with likes table on post_id column.
      4. Then it will group the result by post_id.
      5. Then it will filter the result by COUNT( > 20.
      6. Then it will select the body column from the result.
    2. Query Tree: Query Tree
  2. Query 2:
    1. Description: Find all the comments and posts of a user that is older than 25 and lives in city 1
    2. Query:
            with CTE as (SELECT * FROM users WHERE age > 25 and city = 'city 1')
            SELECT uc.comment_id, up.post_id FROM CTE AS u
            INNER JOIN user_posts up ON = up.user_id
            INNER JOIN user_comments uc ON = uc.user_id
            GROUP BY up.post_id , uc.comment_id;
    1. Explain:
      1. The query will first filter the users table by age > 25 and city = 'city 1' using a CTE.
      2. Then it will join the result with user_posts table on user_id column.
      3. Then it will join the result with user_comments table on user_id column.
      4. Then it will group the result by post_id and comment_id.
    2. Query Tree: Query Tree
  3. Query 3:
    1. Description: Find the posts with most likes in city 1.
    2. Query:
             SELECT p.body,, COUNT( AS likes_count
             FROM posts p
             INNER JOIN user_posts up ON up.post_id =
             INNER JOIN users u ON = up.user_id
             INNER JOIN likes l ON l.post_id =
             WHERE = 'city 1'
             GROUP BY, p.body
             ORDER BY likes_count DESC;
    1. Explain:
      1. The query will first join the posts table with user_posts table on post_id column.
      2. Then it will join the result with users table on user_id column.
      3. Then it will join the result with likes table on post_id column.
      4. Then it will filter the result by city = 'city 1'.
      5. Then it will group the result by city, body.
      6. Then it will order the result by likes_count in descending order.
      7. Then it will select the body, city, likes_count columns.
    2. Query Tree: Query Tree
  4. Query 4:
    1. Description: Get the full details of all the posts that has 1 in the title and 2 in the body from users that are older than 28 and live in city 1
    2. Query:
             with CTE as (SELECT * FROM users WHERE age > 25 and city = 'city 1')
             SELECT  up.post_id FROM CTE AS u
             INNER JOIN user_posts up ON = up.user_id
             inner join posts p on = up.post_id
             where p.title LIKE '%title 1%' and p.body LIKE '%body 2%'
             GROUP BY up.post_id;
    1. Explain:
      1. The query will first filter the users table by age > 25 and city = 'city 1' using a CTE.
      2. Then it will join the result with user_posts table on user_id column.
      3. Then it will join the result with posts table on post_id column.
      4. Then it will filter the result by title LIKE '%title 1%' and body LIKE '%body 2%'.
      5. Then it will group the result by post_id.
      6. Then it will select the post_id column.
    2. Query Tree: Query Tree


  1. Query 1:
    1. Description: Find posts of users in city 1 with more than 20 likes.
    2. Query:
            -- add index for post_id in user_posts table if not exists
            CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS user_posts_post_id_idx ON user_posts (post_id);
            -- add index for post_id in likes table if not exists
            CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS likes_post_id_idx ON likes (post_id);
            -- add index for city in users table if not exists
            CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS users_city_idx ON users (city);
            -- add index for user_id in user_posts table if not exists
            CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS user_posts_user_id_idx ON user_posts (user_id);
            -- use explain analyze to see the difference in execution time
            SELECT p.body FROM posts p
            JOIN user_posts up ON up.post_id =
            JOIN users u ON = up.user_id
            JOIN likes l ON l.post_id =
            WHERE = 'city 1'
            GROUP BY
            HAVING COUNT( > 20;
    1. Explain:
      1. We have added indexes for post_id in user_posts table, post_id in likes table, city in users table, and user_id in user_posts table.
      2. We have added those indexes to make the query more computationally efficient.
      3. For instance, we have added an index for city in users table to make the filtering by city = 'city 1' more efficient.
      4. We have added an index for post_id in user_posts table to make the join between posts table and user_posts table more efficient.
      5. We have added an index for post_id in likes table to make the join between posts table and likes table more efficient.
      6. We have added an index for user_id in user_posts table to make the join between users table and user_posts table more efficient.
    2. Query Tree: Query Tree
  2. Query 2:
    1. Description: Find all the comments and posts of a user that is older than 25 and lives in city 1
    2. Query:
            -- add composite index for users table if not exists
            CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS users_age_city_idx ON users (city, age);
            -- add index for user_id in user_posts table if not exists
            CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS user_posts_user_id_idx ON user_posts (user_id);
            -- we changed the order of the conditions in the where clause to make indexing more efficient
            SELECT uc.comment_id, up.post_id FROM users u
            INNER JOIN user_posts up ON = up.user_id
            INNER JOIN user_comments uc ON = uc.user_id
            WHERE = 'city 1' and  u.age > 25
            GROUP BY up.post_id , uc.comment_id;
    1. Explain:
      1. We have added a composite index for city and age in users table, and an index for user_id in user_posts table.
      2. We have added those indexes to make the query more computationally efficient.
      3. We have added a composite index for city and age in users table to make the filtering by city = 'city 1' and age > 25 more efficient.
      4. We changed the order of the conditions in the where clause to make indexing more efficient.
      5. We have added an index for user_id in user_posts table to make the join between users table and user_posts table more efficient.
    2. Query Tree: Query Tree
  3. Query 3:
    1. Description: Find the posts with most likes in city 1.
    2. Query:
             -- add index for city in users table if not exists
             CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS users_city_idx ON users (city);
             -- add index for user_id in user_posts table if not exists
             CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS user_posts_user_id_idx ON user_posts (user_id);
             -- get the posts with max likes in every city
             SELECT p.body,, COUNT( AS likes_count
             FROM posts p
             JOIN user_posts up ON up.post_id =
             JOIN users u ON = up.user_id
             JOIN likes l ON l.post_id =
             WHERE = 'city 1'
             GROUP BY, p.body
             ORDER BY likes_count DESC;
    1. Explain:
      1. We have added an index for city in users table, and an index for user_id in user_posts table.
      2. We have added those indexes to make the query more computationally efficient.
      3. We have added an index for city in users table to make the filtering by city = 'city 1' more efficient.
      4. We have added an index for user_id in user_posts table to make the join between users table and user_posts table more efficient.
    2. Query Tree: Query Tree
  4. Query 4:
    1. Description: Get the full details of all the posts that has 1 in the title and 2 in the body from users that are older than 28 and live in city 1
    2. Query:
             -- add composite index for users table if not exists
             CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS users_age_city_idx ON users (city, age);
             -- we changed the order of the conditions in the where clause to make indexing more efficient
             -- indexing won't be efficient due to the use of LIKE operator
             SELECT up.post_id , p.body , p.title  
             FROM  users u
             INNER JOIN user_posts up ON = up.user_id
             INNER JOIN user_comments uc ON = uc.user_id
             INNER JOIN posts p ON = up.post_id
             INNER JOIN comments c ON = uc.comment_id
             WHERE u.City = 'city 1' and  u.age > 28  and
             p.title LIKE '%title 12%' and p.body LIKE '%body 22%' 
             GROUP BY up.post_id, p.body, p.title;
    1. Explain:
      1. We have added a composite index for city and age in users table.
      2. We have added those indexes to make the query more computationally efficient.
      3. We have added a composite index for city and age in users table to make the filtering by city = 'city 1' and age > 28 more efficient.
      4. We changed the order of the conditions in the where clause to make indexing more efficient.
    2. Query Tree: Query Tree

Postgres Server Statistics Report

Table Name Row Count Main Key Indexes FK Identity Column Max Row Size(Bytes)
users 50k Yes No No Yes 87
posts 50k Yes No No Yes 50
user_posts 48734 Yes No Yes Yes 35
comments 50k Yes No No Yes 38
user_comments 48734 Yes No Yes Yes 39
replies 9920 Yes No Yes Yes 46
likes 48734 Yes No Yes Yes 35
follows 39302 Yes No Yes Yes 35
messages 50k Yes No Yes Yes 46

Validation Details and Comparisons

Comparison of the plan and execution times for the queries with different optimization techniques.

Query 1

Query 1 Query 1 planning

Query 2

Query 2 Query 2 planning

Query 3

Query 3 Query 3 planning

Query 4

Query 4 Query 4 planning

Comparison of the plan and execution times for the queries with different sizes.

Query 1

Query 1 Query 1 planning

Query 2

Query 2 Query 2 planning

Query 3

Query 3 Query 3 planning

Query 4

Query 4 Query 4 planning

Comparison of the plan and execution times for the queries with different disks(HDD VS. SSD).

Query 1

Query 1 Query 1 planning

Query 2

Query 2 Query 2 planning

Query 3

Query 3 Query 3 planning

Query 4

Query 4 Query 4 planning

System Specifications

Name Version
OS Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
CPU1 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1087H CPU @ 2.20GHz
CPU2 AMD Ryzenβ„’ 7 5800 @ 2.20GHz
Disk1 HDD 1 TB
Disk2 SSD 1 TB

Developer Guide

How to run?

  1. Run docker-compose up.
  2. You will see a message whether the creation was Okay or Not Okay.
  3. Exec into the container.
  4. Populate the data by running with the required size ./mnt/scripts/ 10k.
  5. Run the query using ./mnt/scripts/ query1.
  6. Don't forget to stop the container after you are done.
  7. Run docker-compose down --volumes to delete the volumes.

how to copy and paste file in bash script?

cp /mnt/scripts/queries/query1.js /mnt/scripts/queries/query1.js.bak


  1. Run docker-compose up mongodb
  2. Container will create collections upon startup also it will insert dummy data into them
  3. Use to exec into container
  4. Run the following commands
    use admin
    use social

  1. The container starts initially with 10k data for each collection , to change this
    • Open a shell in the container using
    • change the number fo dummy data using export DUMMY_SIZE=1000000
    • run mongosh
    • Authenticate yourself using step 4 commands
    • load the script again using load("./insert_dummy.js")

How can you contribute?

  1. Create queries in the queries folder.
  2. Add the queries to the file.

How to add data?

  1. Add a new script in the dummyData folder.
  2. Add the new size of the data in the file.

You can find the schema of the database in the DDL folder.

Helpful mongo commands

  1. Note that mongo command should be installed on the computer. On Linux this should be install mongodb-org-shell package.
  2. Connect to MongoDB server mongo admin -u root -p pass12345 It will connect to localhost port 27017.
  3. Show databases: show dbs
  4. Create new non-existent database: use mydatabase
  5. Show collections: show collections
  6. Show contents/documents of a collection: db.your_collection_name.find()
  7. Save a data to a collection:{"name":"Sony AK"})
  8. Show database version: db.version()
  9. Show database status: db.stats()


Your complete guide to learning about Database Tuning βš™οΈπŸ”§.






Contributors 3

