The App assumes that there is a running geth client node with an RPC at URL http://localhost:8545
Ethereum Geth installation guide.
First, Start geth on the testnet with enabling the Whisper protocol and the RPC connection by using this command.
(This should take around an hour to Synchronize the whole rinkeby testnet).
geth --syncmode "light" --shh --rpc --rinkeby --rpccorsdomain "http://localhost:8080"
Then make sure to create an Address from the geth client and to send some ether to it by using any supported online wallet like metamask,MEW, etc.
You can get some Ether using the Rinkeby testnet From here.
Then, clone this repository and download the dependencies:
git clone
npm install
Finally, start the example with:
npm start
The example should be started and the application will be available at http://localhost:8080