- React
- TS
- Redux toolkit
- React router v6
- styled components
- (+) Generate basic vite app with react and ts
- (+) Set up eslint and prettier
- (+) Make basic folder structure
- (+) Use localStorage to store data
- (+) Migrate store to redux toolkit and write middlewares to save store to localStorage (and rehydrate on full page reload)
- (+) Dynamic content works!
- (-) Make it look pretty (i'm thinking about getting rid of bulma and make layout from some opensource figma template, i like this one https://www.figma.com/community/file/825069539366152961)
- (-) Make use of react thunk (i'm thinking about using https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/)
- (-) Make a prod build
- (-) Mb try features-driven project file structure
- (-) Use some kind of tests framework
- (-) Try out webworkers? Is it even worth to use outside next/nuxt/gatsby?