package, entirely written in python, provides True Block Weight
utilities for DPOS pool.
- Ark and forks
- Linux
Buy Ѧ and:
- Send Ѧ to
- Vote
on Ark blockchain and earn Ѧ weekly
Install command will configure a virtual environement based on python 3.x
or pypy
and setup all requirements to run ark-zen
Install development version
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Moustikitos/ark-zen/master/bash/zen-install.sh)
Install last release
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Moustikitos/ark-zen/master/bash/zen-install.sh) 3.2.1
Once installation finished, zen
app is available in home directory. It has to be used in its virtual environment. This virtual environment is activated with the command lines:
Basic configuration have to be set first.
cd ~
./zen initialize
./zen add-delegate <username>
is used to run zen
server and task manager. Unit files bg.service
and zen.service
are deployed with the command line:
~/zen deploy-srv
and systemctl
commands can monitor and manage zen
services. It is possible to enable them on system startup:
sudo systemctl enable bg # tasks manager
sudo systemctl enable zen # zerver
Or event check logs:
journlactl -u bg -ef
journalctl -u zen -ef
journalctl -u zen --since "1 day ago" > out.log
Web server catches webhook events to compute voters share and provide basic information about one or multiple delegates.
Web front end:
Background tasks
4 notification types are available. Notification service is activated if a json configuration file is present in .json
freemobile (french only)
Notification option must be enabled in your Free mobile account. Then, copy your parameters in freemobile.json
file :
"user": "12345678",
"pass": "..."
Copy your parameters in twilio.json
file :
"sid": "...",
"auth": "...",
"receiver": "+1234567890",
"sender": "+0987654321"
Copy your parameters in pushover.json
file :
"user": "...",
"token": "..."
Copy your API token in pushbullet.json
file :
"token": "..."
zen reset [--extern]
zen initialize [--extern]
zen configure [--chunk-size <chubk-size> --fee-coverage]
zen add-delegate <username> [-h <webhook-peer>]
zen configure <username> [-s <share> -w <wallet> -e <excludes> -b <block-delay> -f <fee-level>]
zen configure <username> [-m <minimum-vote> -M <maximum-vote> -t <threshold>]
zen (launch-payroll | resume-payroll | retry-payroll | check-applied | remove-delegate) <username>
zen adjust-forge <username> <value>
zen set-secrets [<username>]
zen append-custom-peer <peer-list>
zen deploy-srv [--ip-address <ip-address> -p <port>]
zen (restart-srv | stop-srv | log-zen | log-bg)
zen (remove-custom-peer | check-secrets | enable-tasks | disable-tasks)
zen configure-task <task> [-0]
-b --block-delay=<block-delay> block amount to wait beetween payroll
-e --excludes=<excludes> coma-separated or file address list to exclude from payroll
-w --wallet=<wallet> delegate funds wallet
-f --fee-level=<fee-level> set the fee level for the delegate
-h --webhook-peer=<webhook-peer> define the webhook peer to use
-s --share=<share> delegate share rate (0.0<=share<=1.0)
-t --threshold=<threshold> minimum amount for a payment
-n --name-list=<name-list> *.tbw coma-separated name list
-m --minimum-vote=<minimum-vote> set a minimum vote level
-M --maximum-vote=<maximum-vote> set a maximum vote level
-p --port=<port> port to use for zen server
--ip-address=<ip-address> ip address to use for zen server
--chunk-size=<chunk-size> max transaction per multitransfer
-x --extern use extern relay (flag)
-0 --reset background task options to defaults (flag)
-c --fee-coverage delegate covers transaction fees (flag)
reset initialization starting from ark-core config folder
initialize initialization starting from peer selection
configure configure global or delegate-specific options
deploy-srv deploy services and start the true block weight server tasks
restart-srv restart the true block weight server tasks
stop-srv stop the true block weight server tasks
log-zen/bg log true block weight server or background tasks
launch-payroll create a payroll for <username> (true block weight status reseted)
retry-payroll retry a specified payroll for <username> (true block weight status unchanged)
resume-payroll resume existing <username> payroll (true block weight status unchanged)
add-delegate add delegate if bip39 secret protection used
remove-delegate remove delegate <username>
set-secrets reset delegate secrets
check-secrets check registered private keys
append-custom-peer append custom peer from coma-separated-peer list or newline-separated-peer file
remove-custom-peer remove one or more custom peer from a selection list
enable-tasks enable available background tasks
disable-tasks disable available background tasks
configure-task edit task options if any
- packaging improvement
- notification bugfix
- requirements versioning
- security improvment
- added
network - background task management improvment
handlers for bg tasks - more secure webhook management
- Ark core 3.0 compliancy
- virtualenv target choice on zen installation
run as system services
Older releases…
- nonce bugfix
updated -
module updated
- ark-core 2.6 compliancy
- dposlib 0.3 compliancy
- use multipayment transaction
- dposlib 0.2.2 compliancy
- background tasks added
- block computation daemonization
- logging improvement
- better error handling
- ark v2.5.1 compliancy
- dposlib 0.2.1 compliancy
- ark v2.4.1 compliancy
- persona network compliancy
- front-end improvement
- added FAQ page
- background tasks merged
- setup script improvement
- initialization improvement
- added relay checker
- ark-zen now runs in virtualenv
- server auto-configuration using gunicorn and nginx
- minor bugfixes and improvements
- notification system added (SMS or push)
- ark-zen runs with ark-core 2.2.x
- added node checker
- ark-zen runs with ark-core 2.1.x
- html front-end improvement
- ark-zen runs with both ark-core mainnet and devnet
- fee coverage is now optional
- delegate targetting is now optional
- automatic fee coverage
- transaction history rebuild
- delegate targetting
- reward distribution improvement
- enable remote delegate management
- blockchain database rebuild
- snapshot management
- custom peer management
- true block weight
- secured payrolls
- command line interface
- light weight HTML front-end
- multiple pool management