This is the EEG Analysis Suite used at the section for Moevment And Neuroscience. This will encompase - Power Spectral Density Analysis, - Event-Related Potential analysis, - Correlation Analysis, - Time Spectral Density Analsis,
To run the Analysis Suite EEGLab is a prerequisite
During time the folder will be populated with different scripts.
The GitHub Contains different folders BasicInfo MeanCalculations PreProcessing Projects TemporalSpectralDensityAnalysis Topoplots
This folder contains scripts to perfrom basic information extraction. such as number of electrodes, files, and sorting the subjects into groups
These are scripts to calculate means of different frequency ranges dependent on different variables
These scripts helps you proeprocess your EEG files such that you'll be ready to analyze them it contains filtering, re-referencing, ICA analysing, epoching and baseline subtraction. A guideline eithin the folder will guide you how to use them.
This folder contains different projects and their figure results based on the scxripts found in the other folders. The scripts in these folders calls different other scripts and provides an overview of how to use them.
This folder contains an analysis paradigm to understand TSE maps both average and std TSE maps are produced. Additionally a Wilcoxon Ranked-sum test is performed to understand the differences found between two condition's TSE maps.
These scripts contructs and save topoplots based on different permutation of data
These creates and saves tables for matlab and excel to dissect.