🩵 Thanks for Being Here 🩵
- Get bot token from @BotFatherAPI_ID
- From my.telegram.orgAPI_HASH
- From my.telegram.orgADMIN
- Admin user idLOG_CHANNEL
- Bot Log Channel Id startswith -100 must.DB_URL
- Mongo Database URL from https://cloud.mongodb.comDB_NAME
- Your database name from mongoDB. (Optional)FORCE_SUB
- Your force sub channel username without @ (Optional)START_PIC
- Start message photo. (Optional)
- Renames very fast .
- Permanent Thumbnail support.
- Supports Broadcasts.
- Set custom caption.
- Has a custom Start-up pic.
- Force subscribe available.
- Supports ulimited renaming at a time.
- Deploy to Koyeb + Heroku + Railway.
- Automatically rename your files
- Set mediatype to upload filetype
- Developer Service 24x7. 🔥
start - Check if the bot is running.
autorename - To auto rename your files.
setmedia - To set your media type preference.
tutorial - To know how to use me.
viewthumb - To view current thumbnail.
delthumb - To delete current thumbnail.
set_caption - set a custom caption.
see_caption - see your custom caption.
del_caption - delete custom caption.
restart - To restart the bot [FOR ADMINS USE ONLY]
broadcast - Message Broadcast command [FOR ADMINS USE ONLY].
status - Check bot status [FOR ADMINS USE ONLY].