This repository contains C++ implementations of the algorithms and clients in the textbook Algorithms, 4th Edition by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
For the original Java source code, visit the official repository.
- 2.1 Selection sort: Selection.h
- 2.2 Insertion sort: Insertion.h
- 2.3 Shellsort: Shell.h
- 2.4 Top-down mergesort: Merge.h
- Bottom-up mergesort: MergeBU.h
- 2.5 Quicksort: Quick.h
- Quicksort with 3-way partitioning: Quick3way.h
- 2.6 Heap priority queue: MaxPQ.h
- 2.7 Heapsort: Heap.h
- 3.1 Sequential search: SequentialSearchST.h
- 3.2 Binary search: BinarySearch.h
- 3.3 Binary tree search: BST.h
- 3.4 Red-black BST search: RedBlackBST.h
- 3.5 Hashing with separate chaining: SeparateChainingHashST.h
- 3.6 Hashing with linear probing: LinearProbingHashST.h
- 4.1 Depth-first search: DepthFirstPaths.h | DepthFirstPaths.cpp
- 4.2 Breadth-first search: BreadthFirstPaths.h | BreadthFirstPaths.cpp
- 4.3 Connected components: CC.h | CC.cpp
- 4.4 Reachability: DirectedDFS.h | DirectedDFS.cpp
- 4.5 Topological order: Topological.h
- 4.6 Strong components (Kosaraju): KosarajuSCC.h | KosarajuSCC.cpp
- 4.7 Minimum spanning tree (Prim): PrimMST.h | PrimMST.cpp
- 4.8 Minimum spanning tree (Kruskal): KruskalMST.h | KruskalMST.cpp
- 4.9 Shortest paths (Dijkstra): DijkstraSP.h | DijkstraSP.cpp
- 4.10 Shortest paths in DAGs: AcyclicSP.h | AcyclicSP.cpp
- 4.11 Shortest paths (Bellman-Ford): BellmanFord.h | BellmanFord.cpp
- 5.1 LSD string sort: LSD.h | LSD.cpp
- 5.2 MSD string sort: MSD.h | MSD.cpp
- 5.3 Three-way string quicksort: Quick3string.h | Quick3string.cpp
- 5.4 Trie symbol table: TrieST.h
- 5.5 TST symbol table: TST.h
- 5.6 Substring search (Knuth-Morris-Pratt): KMP.h | KMP.cpp
- 5.7 Substring search (Boyer-Moore): BoyerMoore.h | BoyerMoore.cpp
- 5.8 Substring search (Rabin-Karp): RabinKarp.h | RabinKarp.cpp
- 5.9 Regular expression pattern matching: NFA.h | NFA.cpp
- 5.10 Huffman compression/expansion: Huffman.h | Huffman.cpp
- 5.11 LZW compression/expansion: LZW.h | LZW.cpp
- UF: main_UF.cpp
- Selection | Insertion | Shell | Merge | MergeBU | Quick | Quick3way | Heap:
- MaxPQ: main_MaxPQ.cpp
- TestSequentialSearchST | TestBinarySearchST | TestBST | TestRedBlackBST | TestSeparateChainingHashST | TestLinearProbingHashST:
- DepthFirstPaths | BreadthFirstPaths:
- CC | KosarajuSCC:
- DirectedDFS: main_DirectedDFS.cpp
- Topological: main_Topological.cpp
- PrimMST | KruskalMST:
- DijkstraSP | AcyclicSP | BellmanFordSP:
- LSD | MSD | Quick3string:
- TestTrieST | TestTST:
- KMP | BoyerMoore | RabinKarp:
- GREP: main_GREP.cpp
- Huffman | LZW:
- BinaryDump: main_BinaryDump.cpp
- CMake 3.20 or later
- C++ compiler with C++17 support
Create and navigate to a build directory:
mkdir build cd build
Configure and build all targets. This will produce all clients:
cmake .. cmake --build .
Alternatively, build a specific target that produces a specific client:
cmake --build . --target UF
(Optional) Download sample input files from the book's website:
Run the client. You may redirect the input from a file (possibly one obtained in step 3):
./UF < tinyUF.txt
Some clients may expect command-line arguments. For example:
./DepthFirstPaths tinyCG.txt 0
This will run
on the graph intinyCG.txt
starting from vertex 0.