- San Diego
- http://mrchristophrivera.github.io
Lists (1)
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😎 A curated list of awesome Molecular Dynamics libraries, tools and software.
Plausibility checks for generated molecule poses.
A repository for the development of data analysis tools for replica exchange molecular dynamics (REMD) simulations
Listing of papers about machine learning for proteins.
Machine learning and deep learning resources
Welcome to the Physics-based Deep Learning Book (v0.2)
ProtVec can be used in protein interaction predictions, structure prediction, and protein data visualization.
The fastai book, published as Jupyter Notebooks
Accompanying code to Casey and Follows, 2020. A flexible and easy-to-use model of microbial acclimation to nutrient availability.
Python library to run structure based model (SBM) simulations using the OpenMM toolkit
My web page containing all the demos from my youtube channel "Ten Minute Physics" www.youtube.com/c/TenMinutePhysics
OpenMM tutorial for the MSBS course
MoleculeKit: Your favorite molecule manipulation kit
Material for a full course on applied nonlinear dynamics, nonlinear timeseries analysis, and complex systems, in Julia
Collection of Pytorch lightning tutorial form as rich scripts automatically transformed to ipython notebooks.
21 Lessons, Get Started Building with Generative AI 🔗 https://microsoft.github.io/generative-ai-for-beginners/
Open Source LLM toolkit to build trustworthy LLM applications. TigerArmor (AI safety), TigerRAG (embedding, RAG), TigerTune (fine-tuning)
Benchmarking common tasks on proteins in various languages and packages
Post-processing of data generated by the GIST (Grid Inhomogeneous Solvation Theory) action in cpptraj
oxpig / ImmuneBuilder
Forked from brennanaba/ImmuneBuilderPredict the structure of immune receptor proteins
Secure, cross-platform Git credential storage with authentication to GitHub, Azure Repos, and other popular Git hosting services.
Antibody Numbering and Antigen Receptor ClassIfication
Evolutionary Scale Modeling (esm): Pretrained language models for proteins