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EmpireCraft is a fork of Paper used by the Empire Minecraft Server.

It contains many gameplay changes to suit our server and some potential performance improvements to be contributed back to Paper / Sponge.

We also have many APIs that we privately use but may choose not to publicly PR upstream.

Why we don't release all APIs

APIs are tough to design. In public projects such as Bukkit, Spigot, Paper, etc., once an API is commited, it's almost forever. You can't go breaking it without solid justification. This is the politics game.

With that in mind, much thought has to be given to our APIs in current and future use cases and applications to ensure it can be extended without breaking.

This is a lot of politics that we don't have time in our lives to deal with.

Therefore, we write APIs to OUR base needs, which is often not 'complete' or 'up to style guidelines' of upstream repositories. We do not have the time to write code that we personally do not need for these APIs.

We also want to retain the ability to make breaking changes to these APIs if it results in a better way to do things or performance improvements.

By contributing it upstream, we would give up that power.

So that is why we have many extremely useful APIs that are not PR'd upstream. Several APIs may find their way upstream at some point.

License, Support, & Usage of Patches

All patches written by Aikar, Starlis LLC, and/or Contractors of Starlis LLC that are included within EmpireCraft are licensed MIT, and are free to be used in your own fork.

We offer ABSOLUTELY NO SUPPORT for these patches. If you wish to use them, you must take the effort to extract them from our repo, apply them to your own, and repair any code changes to get it to compile.

If we make any breaking changes, and you still wish to use these patches, it's your job to fix the changes!

So in summary, we love to share! Use anything we wrote in this repo how ever you please, but support it yourself :)

OS Support & Scripts

We only directly support the latest LTS Ubuntu for shell scripts. It may work elsewhere... but no promises.

Some scripts may try to push to our repos, please change that if you fork :)


Imports specific files from mc-dev that upstream does not use, but we need.


Used to attempt wiggle applying a patch when ./gradlew applyPatches is unable to do detect the conflicts.

Common Gradle commands

The most common gradle commands needed to use this project are listed here. ./gradlew cleanCache ./gradlew applyPatches ./gradlew rebuildPatches ./gradlew createReobfBundlerJar ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

Common Gradle commands

Deprecated patches scheduled for removal in a future unannounced update API-0002-ItemStack-isSimiliar-API-to-skip-durability-and-name.patch API-0026-Chat-API.patch API-0032-Add-ChatColor.getById.patch API-0042-SpawnEggMeta-setSpawnedEntity-API.patch


EmpireCraft Server Software






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