A TypeScript RPC framework, with runtime type checking and serialization, support both HTTP and WebSocket. It is very suitable for website / APP / games, and absolutely comfortable to full-stack Ty…
The Next Generation of Anti-Rookit(ARK) tool for Windows.
Desktop environment in the browser
using vue-cli4 and Electron built a modular template, including vue-router, i18n, axios, electron-builder and more. / 用vue-cli4和Electron 构建模块化的桌面应用程序模板,集成了常用插件。
class for logging PHP variables to Google Chrome console
HTTP, HTTP2, HTTPS, Websocket debugging proxy
Makes Ruby like APIs available in JS Objects like Array and Strings
Run Ruby in the browser using WebAssembly
A simple function for asynchronously loading JavaScript files
A categorized collection of Android Open Source Projects, More powerful web version:
😍 A beautiful, fluid, and extensible dialogs API for Kotlin & Android.
✔️ Secure, simple key-value storage for Android
BRVAH:Powerful and flexible RecyclerAdapter
Simple and convenient banner, loop viewpager with 3D effects
🔥 Android developers should collect the following utils(updating).
DiscreteSeekbar is my poor attempt to develop an android implementation of the Discrete Slider component from the Google Material Design Guidelines.
🎆 A well-designed local image and video selector for Android
A powerful, customizable and extensible ViewPager indicator framework. As the best alternative of ViewPagerIndicator, TabLayout and PagerSlidingTabStrip —— 强大、可定制、易扩展的 ViewPager 指示器框架。是ViewPagerInd…
Event bus for Android and Java that simplifies communication between Activities, Fragments, Threads, Services, etc. Less code, better quality.
An Android Animation library which easily add itemanimator to RecyclerView items.
Android-导航栏特效,新闻类APP(仿iOS 版的网易,今日头条效果),主要是导航栏字体大小和颜色的渐变特效
Icons, Borders, Radius ... for Android buttons