Welcome to the Cantango Rails 3 Demo application!
This demo app aims to demonstrate how to use CanTango in a Rails 3 application.
Integrations to be included are:
- Devise – Authentication
- Troles – Roles and Rolegroups
- Active Admin – Admin UI
- CanTango editor – Web UI interface to manage permissions
The following CanTango engines will be demonstrated, working together:
- Permissions
- Permits
- User AC
The engines will be executed in the following cache configuration
- Permissions – Cache
- Permits – Cache and No Cache
- User AC – Cache
The No Cache mode for Permits, will allow inclusion of permit rules that can NOT be cached due to dynamic conditional logic surrounding them. Here a very simplistic example to illustrate such a scenario:
def permit_rules if the_sky_is_falling? can :reach, Sky else cannot :reach, Sky end end