NOTE: This repo doesn't strictly follow LARBS (shortcut's are still kept the same/similar). My preferred WM is bspwm
and status bar is polybar
Additionl Prerequisites:
- (AUR) polybar (Optional, if you want to use bspwm)
- bspwm (Optional)
- zzz (Optional, comes default with runit systems, without it sleep and hibernate won't work)
- rofi (dmenu replacement)
- (AUR) rofi-dmenu (dmenu compatibility)
- xss-lock
- xorg-appres (x11-utils for debian) (Optional, for changing dunst theme based on current Xresources). To convert your current
, run the && mv -f ~/.config/dunst/dunstrc{_xr_colors,}
- picom (you can remove xcompmgr)
- pulseaudio (
is still used for volume control) - (AUR) pulseaudio-alsa
Other changes:
- Themes can be added (located at
) at~/.Xresources
(current theme isempire
) - Some additional shortcuts added (see at
And don't be a fool and replace the crappy (Chromium based) Brave browser with hardened Firefox.
By the original author
These are the dotfiles deployed by LARBS and as seen on my YouTube channel.
- Very useful scripts are in
- Settings for:
- vim/nvim (text editor)
- zsh (shell)
- i3wm/i3-gaps (window manager)
- i3blocks (status bar)
- sxhkd (general key binder)
- ranger (file manager)
- lf (file manager)
- mpd/ncmpcpp (music)
- sxiv (image/gif viewer)
- mpv (video player)
- calcurse (calendar program)
- tmux
- other stuff like xdg default programs, inputrc and more, etc.
- I try to minimize what's directly in
so:- All configs that can be in
are. - Some environmental variables have been set in
to move configs into~/.config/
- All configs that can be in
- Bookmarks in text files used by various scripts (like
)- File bookmarks in
- Directory bookmarks in
- File bookmarks in
My setup is pretty modular nowadays. I use several suckless programs that are meant to be configured and compiled by the user and I also have separate repos for some other things. Check out their links:
- dwm (the window manager I usually use now which is fully compatible with this repo)
- st (the terminal emulator assumed to be used by these dotfiles)
- mutt-wizard (
) - (a terminal-based email system that can store your mail offline without effort)
Use LARBS to autoinstall everything:
curl -LO
or clone the repo files directly to your home directory and install the prerequisite programs or those required for the i3 setup.