- Ribeirão Preto
- @MuriloRoquePai1
A repository for my capstone for Microverse's JavaScript module.
A full-stack application on Ruby on Rails which is a based on a custom redesign of Twitter.
Proyecto hola mundo con React Native
Script hecho para entender como hacer una paginación simple en JQuery
Proyecto hecho en Laravel, con fragmentos (controladores y algunas vistas) del proyecto inmobiliario.
An application made with React js consuming a created API to show a list of Rick and Morty's carachters.
Formulario con paises, estados, ciudades, nombre y edad que almacena la localización de la persona y demas datos. Los datos son almacenas con ajax a traves de un servicio web
Microverse main curriculum/Basic HTML Page Structure. This is the first project requested in the main curriculum in microverse course
This is the second project for the HTML/CSS Course
This project consists of building a webpage using images as a background and adding gradients to elements. The goal is to make a clone of old an old version of the Apple website webpage.
This project consists of building a heatmap of the Smashing magazine website
This project consists of replicating The Next Web website putting emphasis on how it behaves differently depending on the size of the screen where the website is rendered.
JS Expert 1.0 - Netflix Bandersnatch Player Clone
Espaço para divulgação de vagas relacionadas com React
Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.
A Collection of application ideas which can be used to improve your coding skills.
✅ The Node.js best practices list (July 2024)
📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
A JavaScript weather app using the weatherapi.com API.
Generate OAuth 1.0a authorization header for Twitter API using native https nodejs module