Started on 16/07/2024.
Excerpt from :
"Force-directed algorithms are among the most flexible methods for calculating layouts of simple undirected graphs.
Also known as spring embedders, such algorithms calculate the layout of a graph using only information contained within the structure of the graph itself, rather than relying on domain-specific knowledge.
Graphs drawn with these algorithms tend to be aesthetically pleasing, exhibit symmetries, and tend to produce crossing-free layouts for planar graphs."
This code implemenents the Fruchterman-Reingold variant Algorithm.
This algorithm computes attractive forces between adjacent vertices and repulsive forces between all pairs of vertices.
*The algorithm of Fruchterman and Reingold adds the notion of “temperature” which could be used as follows:
“the temperature could start at an initial value (say one tenth the width of the frame) and decay to 0 in an inverse linear fashion.”*
The temperature controls the displacement of vertices so that as the layout becomes better, the adjustments become smaller.
This RUST implementation is based on a Python code on Github:
This project uses Raylib for Rust. Raylib version: 3.7.0
Rust version: cargo 1.77.2 (e52e36006 2024-03-26).
Tested on Windows only.
To run it:
cargo run .\grafos\2xk4.txt
THOMAS M. J. FRUCHTERMAN, EDWARD M. REINGOLD. Graph Drawing by Force–Directed Placement, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1304 W. Springfield Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801-2987, U.S.A.