This is based on the Youtube video:
The original project is in C and uses the Raylib lib.
Adapted/(Translated) to GO using the Raylib-go lib.
If all tiles have less that 4 grains of sand the sandpile is stable.
If at least one vertex is unstable.
The whole configuration is said to be unstable.
In this case, choose any unstable vertex at random.
Topple this vertex by reducing its grain number by four and by increasing the grain numbers of each of its (at maximum four) direct neighbors by one.
To be able to use Raylib on Windows 11, you would need to install a C compiler. Recommended C compiler : Mingw-w64 It needs to be in your Windows path.
You then need to get the raylib package.
go get -v -u
Youtube tutorial to setup Raylib and gcc for Windows:
This is just a playful algorithm to learn GO
Implemented on 29/03/2024.
go version go1.21.8
gcc version 8.1.0 (x86_64-posix-seh-rev0, Built by MinGW-W64 project).
Tested on Windows only.
To run it:
go run sandpile.go
To build the executable:
go build sandpile.go