Reviewers: NLS Lab. of Shanghai Jiao Tong University
ORB-SLAM and review ORB-SLAM2 is a classic SLAM library and has demonstrated high robustness and versatility in both indoor and outdoor environments. It has become a golden example for SLAM and Robotic researchers to study and have good usderstanding of the architecture of the SLAM systems.
This code review gives more detailed and standardized comments for most important lines of original ORB-SLAM codes. Most of comments are annotated in Chinese.
A Chinese documentation is presented by all reviewers with the seminar procedure going. All documentation files are published in the "document" folder. Each file gives explaination of one or more classes. The content of explaination includes: usage of the class, despriptions of important member variables, despriptions of important functions and diagrams of related algorithms.
Useful links (All links are in Chinese): 泡泡机器人, SLAM公开课, CSDN, ORB-SLAM详解, 泡泡机器人, g2o公开课,高翔 CSDN, g2o非线性优化
20170526 Presentations: DBow3 by Xushen, EPnP by Wuyang. 遗留问题: #1 DBow中对于计算bow vector之间分数差距的方法应该更详细 #2 DBow中对于feature vector没有介绍
20170519 Presentations: Tracking by Zhantao, Localmapping by Ruihang. 遗留问题: #1 Localmapping中对于三角化方面代码的细节原理,可以附上有用的资料链接等 #2 Tracking模块是ORBSLAM的核心,也是最难的部分。对于Tracking模块,可以进一步细化。除了利用motion model和reference keyframe进行下一帧姿态估计这个点我听懂了之外,其他的点和细节我个人还应该加强学习。
20170512 Presentations: KeyFrames by Rongzhi, g2o by Zheng. 遗留问题: #1 KeyFrames的建立,删除的标准是什么,在什么情况执行。地图三位点的增删标准。 #2 KeyFrames的Covisibility Graph以及Essicial Graph的作用是什么。
20170505 Presentations: System by Zheng, Frame by Qiang. 遗留问题: #1 KeyPoint的去畸变原理(关于Zhengyou Zhang的work的理解,为什么左右两个Camera可以使用同一个参数矩阵)。
20170428 Start and warming up
[Monocular] Raúl Mur-Artal, J. M. M. Montiel and Juan D. Tardós. ORB-SLAM: A Versatile and Accurate Monocular SLAM System. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 1147-1163, 2015. (2015 IEEE Transactions on Robotics Best Paper Award). PDF.
[Stereo and RGB-D] Raúl Mur-Artal and Juan D. Tardós. ORB-SLAM2: an Open-Source SLAM System for Monocular, Stereo and RGB-D Cameras. ArXiv preprint arXiv:1610.06475 PDF.
[DBoW2 Place Recognizer] Dorian Gálvez-López and Juan D. Tardós. Bags of Binary Words for Fast Place Recognition in Image Sequences. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 1188-1197, 2012. PDF