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Open Source GXNet media component, made by Gurux Ltd, is a part of GXMedias set of media components, which programming interfaces help you implement communication by chosen connection type. Gurux media components also support the following connection types: serial port and terminal.
For more info check out Gurux.
We are updating documentation on Gurux web page.
If you have problems you can ask your questions in Gurux Forum.
If you want to build example you need Nuget package manager for Visual Studio. You can get it here:
Before use you must set following settings:
- HostName
- Port
- Protocol
It is also good to listen following events:
- OnError
- OnReceived
- OnMediaStateChange
and if in server mode following events might be important.
- OnClientConnected
- OnClientDisconnected
GXNet cl = new GXNet();
cl.HostName = "localhost";
cl.Port = 1000;
cl.Protocol = NetworkType.Tcp;
Data is send with send command:
cl.Send("Hello World!");
In default mode received data is coming as asynchronously from OnReceived event.
cl.OnReceived += new ReceivedEventHandler(this.OnReceived);
Data can be send as syncronous if needed:
lock (cl.Synchronous)
string reply = "";
ReceiveParameters<string> p = new ReceiveParameters<string>()
//ReceiveParameters<byte[]> p = new ReceiveParameters<byte[]>()
//Wait time tells how long data is waited.
WaitTime = 1000,
//Eop tells End Of Packet charachter.
Eop = '\r'
cl.Send("Hello World!", null);
if (gxNet1.Receive(p))
reply = Convert.ToString(p.Reply);