Releases: NVIDIA/data-science-stack
- 5d96f1f moving cuda up to 11.7
- 52807cb moving cuda to 11.5
- d3b8a7f fixing bug re: driver version
- 0f6ebe2 fixing miniconda bug in Dockerfile
- 0d9b49d moving to CUDA 11.5.0 in Dockerfile
- 3a81e30 pinning
- 69916d6 updating conda and notebook versions in the dockerfile
- 4bbb535 updating notebooks version
- f6900b2 overcoming bug in miniconda installation script
- b67a323 updating conda
- 175369b updating the environment
- 3f5d77e updating docker
- c50c357 move to driver 525
- 7cf0f32 support ubuntu 22.04
- docs: Documented WSL v2 support via containers only due to CUDA 11.0 requirement in WSL v2
- fix: typos in README files
- fix: remove double quotes in cuda 11+ version reporing
- fix: checking that conda is installed before run-notebook
- fix: checking that the notebook exists in run-notebook
- fix: temporarily removing nvdashboad from create conda env pending jupyter 3.0 compatibility
- fix: quote termination in script
- fix: not including nvdashboard in Jupyter Lab pending support for Jupyter 3.0
- fix: docker file cuda version should be 11.2.2
- feat: pin (#115)
- feat: move nvdashboard to rapidsai channel (#118)
- fix: docker file cuda version should be 11.2.2
- feat: pin (#115)
- feat: move nvdashboard to rapidsai channel (#118)
- feat: remove chainer (#117)
- feat: move to RAPIDS 21.06 (#112)
- feat: move to pytorch 1.8 (#113)
- feat: remove fastai (#110)
- feat: tf2 support (#111)
- feat: notebooks 21.06 (#114)
- feat: back to conda solver(#116)
- feat: #105 update driver to 465
- feat: #106: update rapids version
- fix: dev2.9 tag
- feat: update rapids notebooks version (#107)
- feat: dev 2.9 tag (#108)
- Merge pull request #103 from hoanghphan/dev2.9
- add object_detection example
- benchmarks renamed to examples
- update versions to 2.8.0
- docs: automated install on RHEL 8.x
- fix: aws cli purge must force
- docs: readme for the pytorch lightning example
- docs: added readme for the knn example
- feat: rapids cuml benchmarks
- fix: notebook version 0.18
- fix: pinning pl ver for benchmarks
- fix version comparison for driver_install
- fix: purge ngc cli
- fix: WSL v2 Ubuntu image does not have unzip
- feat:documentation (#83)
- feat: pins (#97)
- feat: bump ppa driver to 460 (#96)
- fix: aws cli
- TF2 env (#43)
- feat: AWS CLI (#65)
- feat: kaggle docker image (#69)
- feat: kaggle cli (#93)
- feat: ngc cli (#72)
- feat: notebooks 0.18 (#95)
- feat: RAPIDS 0.18
- feat: microbenchmarks (#78)
- update unsupported message for install_driver
- switch from to
- add install_driver() for rhel8
- fix dual detection, WSL is not mutually exclusive w/ /etc/os-release
- fix ubuntu, be consistent w/ OS_RELEASE
- fix issue where nvidia-docker relies on full distro version
- fix compound VERSION_ID issue, rhel8.3 -> rhel8
- fix redhat -> rhel to match os-release
- remove redundant sourcing of /etc/os-release
- use /etc/os-release to detect OS_FLAVOR and OS_RELEASE
- refactor changes to .bashrc in install_cuda()
- check for existence of pinned environment before trying to create a conda env from it #87
- fix 'git clone' url
- feat: upgrade the min driver and docker versions (#79)
- feat: update STACK_VERSION to 2.8.0-dev (#82)
feat: update versions to 2.7.0
fix: pinning jupyterlab to 2.2.9 in the env because of nvdashboard dependency
fix: permissions on the data-science-stack script
fix: upgrade command requires bash
fix: backup old versions of envs and docker images on upgrade
fix: pin the conda envi
doc: updated readme for 2.7.0 (#73)
feat: self-upgrade (#57)
feat: support for repo2docker (#54)
feat: beta support for WSL (#28)
feat: autocomplete (#53)
feat: Proper return codes (#56)
fix: Pull 0.17 notebooks for RAPIDS 0.17
feat: 2.6.0 -> 2.7.0-dev
Changes since v2.4.0 (latest first)
feat: 2.5.0-dev -> 2.5.0
feat: disable disk swap when installing Kubernes, and ask to turn on in purge
fix: logic around purge-driver y/n prompt always purges
feat: Kubernetes stack installer
docs: Add FAQ entry about connectivity and firewalls
feat: Command to run all notebooks in a directory
feat: Update to CUDA 11
feat: OS flavor and release logic, only run on supported OSs
fix: driver detection when driver broken
fix: Red Hat 8 docker-install, add enable and start of daemon
feat: additional stop-on-error around install commands
docs: Specify in README that Red Hat Workstation is the supported flavor
feat: After build-* commands display message about run- commands
feat: log output to data-science-stack.log
feat: Update default stacks to RAPIDS 0.16
feat: Update to 455 driver
fix: purge-driver bug on Ubuntu 20.04
feat: Start 2.5.0-dev branch
Since v2.3.1 (latest first)
- feat: 2.4.0-dev -> 2.4.0
- fix: correct, explain, or reword various output and help messages
- feat: latest RHEL7.x and 8.x support
- fix: add jq to setup-system
- fix: conda version comparison fixed for fresh install, rm temp file
- fix: remove docker-adduser command, replaced with setup-user
- docs: Document how to remove environments and containers
- docs: Add section on validating stack and notebook testing
- fix: yum failures not treated as fatal
- feat: Support for Ubuntu 20.04, update to 450 drivers
- feat: Update default stacks to RAPIDS 0.14.1 and re-pin stacks
- docs: document upgrade process and effects
- docs: Document creation of custom stacks and debug process
- docs: Document how to report issues and feature requests
- docs: Add troubleshooting section with common errors
- feat: Add commands to remove the container and conda environment
- feat: don't require setup-user as a seperate step for initial user
- feat: Additional diagnostics
- feat: Have version command check GitHub for new releases
- feat: If older Conda exists, ask user to upgrade instead of new install
- feat: Update default stacks to RAPIDS 0.14, version to 2.4.0-dev
Since 2.2.2:
feat: 2.3 environment files and pinned yamls
fix: remove ipyvolume from labextensions
docs: Update README for 2.3
feat: use channels from .env file in pinned yaml
docs: add list command to help, and display default
feat: on Ubuntu detect .run file was used and guide user to solution
fix: change how notebook repo is cloned and submodules handled.
feat: update versions to 2.3.0 and RAPIDS 0.13.
feat: add list command
fix: display default stack in help message
feat: log command used to pin, output to -pinned.yaml
docs: add