I am currently a master student at ENS Paris-Saclay (M2 MVA "Mathématiques, Vision, Apprentissage"), ENSAE Paris (National School of Statistics and Economic Administration, specialized in statistics and machine learning) and at HEC Paris.
I am strongly interested in theoretical statistics and machine learning, and also in their various applications.
- Improving my skills in Machine Learning (mainly PyTorch, here are my personal notes).
- Working on a package that finds the optimal routes for electric cars in France
- "Portfolio Construction and Realized Covariance Forecasting with Clustering" under the supervision of Prof.Cucuringu at the University of Oxford
- Working on a package alongside my applied statistics project at Oxford
- python (PyTorch)
- R
- C++
"Portfolio Construction and Realized Covariance Forecasting with Clustering" under the supervision of Prof.Cucuringu at the University of Oxford (here)
"Portfolio Optimization with Clustering" under the supervision of Prof. Zagst at the Technical University of Munich
Electric Vehicle Route Optimization – Python Project at ENSAE (here)
PyFolioC: a portfolio construction/optimisation package using clustering and realized covariance forecasting (here)
- Finishing my current research project :)