This is the networking approach that I preferred.
- APIResource: Use APIResource to capture all api request related content.
- APIService: Use APIService to load any generic APIResource.
- Error handling: Proper network error handling.
- For a url that returns this json:
"name": "Nan Wang",
"phone": "+46 000 1111 222"
- Create model with a failable initialiser that parses a json:
struct User {
let name: String
let phone: String
extension User {
init?(json: Any) {
let jsonDictionary = json as? [String: Any],
let name = jsonDictionary["name"] as? String,
let phone = jsonDictionary["phone"] as? String
else { return nil } = name = phone
- Load APIResource with APIService:
/// Create an API resource for the **User** model
let resource = APIResource<User>(url: url_to_load, parse: User.init)
/// Create an API service with default shared url session
/// This API service can be dependency injected into any `ViewController` or classes when needed.
let apiService = APIService()
/// Load resource with API service
apiService.load(resource: resource) { (result) in
switch result {
case .success(let user):
/// Do something with user
case .failure(let error):
/// Do something with `NetworkingError`