Tags: NanaShake/geoip2-golang
Merge pull request oschwald#91 from oschwald/greg/update-test-data Update test data
Merge pull request oschwald#78 from snaffi/fix/gofmt-readme-example gofmt readme example
Merge pull request oschwald#75 from nchelluri/patch-1 Fix 404 in README, updating reference to external repo
1.5.0 * Add StaticIPScore field to Enterprise. Pull request by Pierre Bonzel. GitHub oschwald#54. * Add IsResidentialProxy field to AnonymousIP. Pull request by Brendan Boyle. GitHub oschwald#72. * Support DBIP-ASN-Lite database. Requested by Muhammad Hussein Fattahizadeh. GitHub oschwald#69.
1.4.0 * This module now uses Go modules. Requested by Axel Etcheverry. GitHub oschwald#52. * DBIP databases are now supported. Requested by jaw0. GitHub oschwald#45. * Allow using the ASN method with the GeoIP2 ISP database. Pull request by lspgn. GitHub oschwald#47. * The example in the `README.md` now checks the length of the subdivision slice before using it. GitHub oschwald#51.
1.2.0 * The country structs for `geoip2.City` and `geoip2.Country` now have an `IsInEuropeanUnion` boolean field. This is true when the associated country is a member state of the European Union. This requires a database built on or after Februrary 13, 2018. * Switch from Go Check to Testify. Closes oschwald#27
1.1.0 * Add support for the GeoLite2 ASN database. * Add support for the GeoIP2 City by Continent databases. GitHub oschwald#26.