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Tags: NanoFabricFX/Industrial-IoT



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Helm: Upgraded Azure Industrial IoT components to 2.7.105 version. (A…


* Helm: Upgraded Azure Industrial IoT components to 2.7.105 version.

* Helm: Using relative links in Helm documentation.


Toggle 2.6.146's commit message
Release notes for Azure Industrial IoT Platform Release 2.6.146

* Helm supports now 2.6 including making swagger work through gateway.  There will be an updated chart to point to 2.6.146 released soon.
* Username password support now also works with KepServerEx (which does not support anonymous session establishment) – new Unauthorized endpoint connectivity state to show/query endpoints that require authorization to use.
* Engineering tool updates, including better tables spaceing, navigable breadcrumbs, "log into asset" UI (to test above)
* Discovery fixes, including preferring ipv4 addresses when resolving discovery urls and removing unnecessary pings for localhost discovery.  New desired / reported discovery configuration properties in discoverer model to see “currently used” discovery configuration in discovery module vs. requested as opposed to before – where a single property mixed both together providing a misleading view.
* Browse now supports a node class filter in the REST API returning only nodes matching the specified node classes. See Azure#308
* Documentation updates including postman collection fixes
* Updates to the Telemetry pipeline. Includes making CDM egress more consistent and provide optimized checkpoint support. TSI ingress now uses different indexes and works with the new DataSet messages providing a cleaner experience inside TSI.
* New test bench to run scenario, long running and stress tests against a deployed platform more conveniently.
* Fixes for Azure#302, Azure#310, Azure#307, Azure#291, Azure#329, Azure#331, Azure#306, Azure#319, Azure#217, Azure#297, Azure#360


Toggle 2.5.3's commit message
Release 2.5.3


Toggle 2.6.96's commit message
Release notes for Azure Industrial IoT Platform Release 2.6.96

* OPC Twin
    - Breaking change: Split discovery functionality into new “discovery” module.
    - Support OPC UA complex data type encoding and decoding
    - New API layer allowing calling twin functionality through direct methods in addition to the existing REST API.
* New Discovery Module to provide network scanning and OPC UA discovery services previously part of OPC Twin module.
* OPC Publisher
    - Add new publisher module whose publishing tasks are jobs driven (in addition to legacy support of publishednodes.json).
    - Breaking change: Heartbeat now based on monitored item triggers
    - Breaking change: Removal of device methods to configure publishednodes.json.
    - Username and password can now also be configured in cleartext in publishednodes.json (or through API).
    - New WriterGroup / DatasetWriter object model for publish job configuration supporting Part14 configuration surface (A full REST API will come in a future release).
    - New Pub/Sub encoding and message format as well as cloud side processing support (OPC Subscriber)
    - Update publishing API to use new jobs mechanism and factor out into new publisher service (see below).
    - Added edge module http request authentication through identity token
    - Support OPC UA complex data type encoding
* New Blazor based engineering tool to replace parts of Connected factory and OPC Twin webapp.
* Microservices
    - Breaking change: new Publisher microservice hosting the publishing API previously hosted under the /twin endpoint (no change to API surface).
    - SignalR based eventing to build reactive UI (supporting telemetry and discovery progress for now, but more events to follow)
    - Breaking change: Remove HTTP callback support from endpoint and application discovery in favor of signalr.
    - Servicebus Topics based integration event bus for asynchronous eventing between all services.
    - New all-in-one services Webservice project and container for simple bring up of platform services and hosting in app service as monolithic application.
    - Add new discoverer, publisher and gateway entities to opc registry as manageable entity registration
    - Breaking: Swagger endpoints now hosted under /swagger.
    - New Configuration, Edge Management, Identity, publisher, job, onboarding, job orchestrator, etc. micro services with new functionality (see docs).
    - Auto deploy all IIoT Edge modules using layered edge deployment.  Edge module version is now tied to the cloud services version.
    - Update configuration to use keyvault to secure all secrets provisioned during deployment
    - New diagnostics api using app insights.
    - Metrics reporting through Prometheus endpoints.
    - Health checks on /healthz endopings.
    - Keyvault based data protection for cookie protection.
    - Split single event processor into telemetry and events processing, as well as telemetry processing into cdm, tsi, and SignalR processors for perf/scale.
    - Common Data Model support for telemetry egress into Azure Datalake v2 allowing integration with Power Apps/BI (tutorial added)
    - TSI deployment and integration for historian analytics (tutorial added).
* Deployment
    - New script deployment in /deploy folder including DPS provisioned IoTEdge and PLC Simulation.  (deploy.ps1)
    - Allow precreating aad registrations through an administrator.
    - Ugrade from unsupported AzureRm to Az powershell module.
    - Support deployment on Linux using deployment script (
    - Helm chart support for this release will follow shortly.
* Misc
    - Rework project structures, clean up code and rename service project names to convey more what they are doing.  Break apart common projects along the lines of their dependencies, e.g. blob/cosmosdb
    - Startup project extension support
    - Only build API nuget packages going forward (new 2.6.96 API nugets are available on, all previously published non-API packages are now delisted).
    - Removal of pre-generated Autorest API.  Renaming of swagger.json to openapi.json/yml.
    - Update versioning to use gitversioning and continuous release from master
    - Update to latest nuget dependencies and Core and .net core 3.1.
    - New Tutorial style documentation and updated architectural diagram and overviews.


Toggle 2.5.2's commit message
Release 2.5.2


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Release 2.5.1


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Release 2.5.0


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Release 2.0.1


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Release 2.0.0