Piri is a voice assistant made for pearOS, with macOS design in mind. This project is forked on axtloss/vAssistant repo. It was written in Python and Shell (bash)
- Easily modifiable source
- Simple way to add (custom) modules
- Some hardcoded features such as:
- Google search
- App opener
- Good looking UI
- Sound when it is waitng for commands
- Sound when it fails
- I added a failsafe, so you cannot run it as root :)
- git clone the project
- cd into it
if it shows Permission Denied error, you have tochmod +x install.sh
and re-run./install.sh
- launch it from the application launcer(i.e. launchpad, application menu, app list etc.)
~~ - Then you can proceed with normal debian package installation ~~
sh sudo dpkg -i /path/to/xyz.pearos.piri-assistant.deb ~~ #change 'path/to/' with your actual path :p
You can launch the assistant from terminal: cd /path/to/piri.py && ./piri.py
- You will see some warnings/errors at first, which are normal, after that it will print out "talk"
- it does not need an activator when launched from terminal. Execute it and you are good to go
- if you want to test it WITH the activator,
cd /path/to/piri.py && ./piri-activator
- say
hey Piri
if it has been run from piri-activator
- say
- it will print what was recognized and if the activator is correct it will print "talk", you will also hear a sound
- say your commands, and Piri will try to execute them.
Or, you put the vAssistant.py in your autostart and then log out, and back in. The assistant will be started on login after that.
Piri does not directly collect any personal data nor recordings from users, because we (devs) don't need to. Data can be collected by 3rd parties such as Google (Google Text to Speech)
The assistant also uses Google's TTS URL API (http://www.google.com/speech-api/v1/synthesize?lang=en-us&text=example+of+a+random+text+here+xd) The text to speech is powered by Google
I did not test the consistency of the app, I ran basic tests. Feel free to improove it. In case if something goes wrong, start an issue. Thanks :p
~~## Installation(from .deb package):
- First install the requirements (you can copy the script below, or run command by command) ~~```sh #!/bin/bash sudo apt-get install python3-pip -y sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gambas-team/gambas-daily -y sudo apt update sudo apt-get install gambas3 -y pip3 install SpeechRecognition pydub pip3 install gtts pip3 install jq pip3 install googletrans==3.1.0a0 sudo apt install python3-pyaudio -y sudo apt install golang-go -y sudo apt install playerctl -y sudo apt install recode -y