- Core: Normalize the content before checking the command to make it case-insensitive.
- Core: Add !vtrequest to request a new command.
- Core: Restrict bot commands to specific channel. Options: bot_commands, bot-commands, bot, bots, command, command, vote-to, vote_to, voteto, vote, votes.
- Core: Consider replcaing "!" command prefix with "/" for autocomplete. Look into how to add message.
- Core: Add timer flag option (15s, 1h, 7d, etc) where it reverses the action in the vote if voted yes. No flag is infinite and requires admin unmute/undeafen or vote to unmute/und
- Free: Tag everyone in a specific VC with author is currently active
- Premium: Limit vote to kick on specific voice channels.
- Premium: Custom channel name to restrict VoteTo bot to.
- Premium: Give bot a new nickname in the guild.
go run main.go