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The nodejs setup with sequelize as an orm model and mysql as database to create a api in easy and fastest way.

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Nodejs Setup with sequelize as an orm model

The documentation of the project is : Documentation

Version 1.0.0


$ npm install
$ npm start
# Or run with Nodemon
$ npm run dev

# Visit http://localhost:5000

Create a .env file

NODE_ENV = Specifify wheteher working in development/production
PORT = Specify the PORT NO here 
SECRET = ANY string comes here 

The folder structure of the setup will looks like these

  • api
  • config
  • core
  • cron
  • db
  • docs
  • functions
  • Middleware
  • uploads
  • .env
  • .gitignore
  • .sequelizerc
  • apidoc.json
  • app.js
  • example.js
  • package.json

Now lets talk about each folder and its functionality

api folder

The api folder can contain many folder for different apis and each folder will contain controllerfolder,middleware folder,services folder and routes.json file. The controller folder will contain controller file in which controller function are there.Same goes for middleware and services folder.The routes.json file contains the endpoint information.

config folder

The config folder contains database.json and config.json file. The database.json file contains the information about the database and config.json files contains the information for the configuration of morgan and logging.

core folder

The core folder contains many files such as

  • connection.js
  • cron.js
  • ExpressError.js
  • function.js
  • migration.js
  • models.js
  • multer.js
  • routes.js
  • services.js

In connection.js we create a sequelize object using config/database.json and handle the logging of the sequelize cmd by using the variable specified in config/config.json and store the sequelize object in our global variable called setup for futher use in the program.

In cron.js file we are creating an array of cron from the folder cron and then requiring it in the app.js so that we can run all the cron specified in the cron folder files.

In ExpressError.js we are creating an error class ao that we can throw an error by using that class and add statusCode and message to it.

In function.js we are adding all the functions specified in the function folder with the help of setup global variable.

In migration.js file we are creating an umzug object and requiring it in the app.js to check whether migration is pending or not.

In models.js file we are getting all the models available in the db folder and then creating a object of all the models and then adding the models object to the setup global variable so that we can easily access it using setup.models.user.

In multer.js we are creating an object of fileUpload so that we can use it in the controller files functions.

In routes.js we are taking all the routes.json files of every folder of the api and then constructing the routes array of every endpoint and then exporting it and we are requiring it in app.js and creating a routes for every endpoint

In services.js we are creaing a service object so that we can easily access the service file of every pi using setup global variable.

cron folder

The folder conatins cron files.

db folder

The db folder contains three folder migrations,models and seeders.The migration folder contains the migration file that talk to our mtysql database.The models folder contains model file.

function folder

The function folder can contains many folder and file inside it .

Middleware folder

The middleware folder contains the file that contains global middlewares.

uploads folder

The folder will contains the uploaded files of the user.


The sequelizerc file esatblishes the connection between folder and database.json file.


The core logic part of the application comes in app.js file.

docs folder

The docs folder contain the template that get render for the documentation and it use ejs,hbs templating engine and you can see the documentation page by opening index.html inside the docs folder.


The apidoc.json file contains the information about the title,version and the description of your documentation.


The example.js file contains the documentation for every endpoint of the apis and it help us to create the proper documentation for the restful api. The name of the file can be anything i have given the name example.js you can gve any name you want.

cli command for the setup

For working fast in this setup we have customclicmd that you can visit on CustomCmd

The above setup provides you with the basics command like:

framework init : To setup the project

framework create-module : To create a new api module in api folder along with controller,middleware,services and routes.json file.

framework create-api : To create a new endpoint

Documentation of the Restful-Api

You can see the documentation of the restful api on localhost:5000/docs .The documentation is coming from the apidocs package that we have used and you can create your own documentation in the file example.js and whenever you add the documentation for the new endpoint then you have to run the commands npm run docs and it will get addded to the documentation.

There is docs folder which contains the template that get render when you go to these url localhost:5000/docs and there is also a file known as apidoc.json which contains the information about the version and the description of the documentation. You can write the apidoc.json content in the package.json also and then you don't have to create that file. Its your choice whteher you want to create it or add it to the package.json but i prefer creating that file in apidoc.json.

You can see how it will look likes



The nodejs setup with sequelize as an orm model and mysql as database to create a api in easy and fastest way.






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