2023 Spring CS565 Mini-Proejct
By Nayoung Oh and Jinseo Lee
What you need to prepare
- Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense
- Arduino Nano shiled
- 4 X AAA battery with a battery shiled
- One jump rope
- One 3D printing of the
- One laser cutting of 3mm MDF of
- Some supporters, bolts, and nuts (recommend to use nylon nut for connecting the rope handle)
Assemble the new handle and Arduino
You should upload data_collection/data_collection.ino
into the board. This program will collect imu sensor data.
Then, using the data_collection/data.py
to communicate with the arduino and save the data about 15 seconds.
Use the Jump_Classifier_Training.ipynb
to train the model and convert into Arduino compatible format.
Use the Jump_Classifier_KFold.ipynb
to check the performance of the model using K-Fold
Download the apk file final_jump.apk
into your smartphone. Currently, only Android is supported.
Upload final_program
into your Arduino.
And enjoy!