Hi it's a PS2 ISO to PS4 fake PKG, so you can play ps2 iso games on you'r ps4.
No, there is a compatitibility list that you can find here.
PS2-FPKG is closed source (i have try to find the src but i can't so i guess it is) and i don't really like to use closed source projects lol (the software work and is very good with a lot of features but it's closed source so yeah), a good alternative is PS2 Classis GUI by TheDarkprogramer (a very greate guy btw, luv) but there isn't a lot of options to choose and no support for BIN files, so this project try to combine both of the best world.
Because why not ? also if i can't update the src for some reason it's more easy to modify and update by others peoples.
YES, you can open a issue or make a pull request.
Simply drag and drop a ISO or a BIN, a background image, a game cover and a folder then press "Create PKG" to get the PS4 PKG.
Simply click on "file" then "import".
Yes but you need to install .NET 6.0.13 (Big thanks to Intervika Morozova for the info).
It's a false positive not really something i can fix, you can find the virustotal link here , to use it make a execption on you'r anti virus software.
- Add bin support.
- Add proper config maker.
- Add proper LUA maker.
- Add cli support.
- Add cfgbin support.
- Add others emulators.
- Add multi-disc support.