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Tags: Ner1Co/Nimble



Toggle v7.3.1's commit message


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ikesyo IKEDA Sho
- Xcode 10: Adjust Build Phases order Quick#605, Quick#606 (Thanks @i…



Toggle v7.3.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
ikesyo IKEDA Sho
- Make `recordFailure` public, which is useful for defining a custom …

…`AssertionHandler` Quick#543, Quick#599 (Thanks @maryamaffinityclick and @ikesyo)


Toggle v7.2.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
ikesyo IKEDA Sho
- Internal refactoring Quick#564, Quick#565, Quick#566, Quick#567, Qu…

…ick#568, Quick#569, Quick#570, Quick#571, Quick#572, Quick#573, Quick#577, Quick#578, Quick#579, Quick#580, Quick#581, Quick#584, Quick#589, Quick#590, Quick#595 (Thanks @ikesyo)

- Make `Expectation` constructor public Quick#576 (Thanks @ikesyo)

- Fix `ExpectationMessage.update(failureMessage:)` not to update a `FailureMessage` instance with empty string Quick#587 (Thanks @ikesyo)
- [containElementSatisfyingMatcher] Using `postfixMessage` would be preferable instead of overwriting `to` Quick#588 (Thanks @ikesyo)


Toggle v7.1.3's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
ikesyo IKEDA Sho
- Add `-Xlinker -no_application_extension` to `OTHER_LDFLAGS` to sile…

…nce a linker warning Quick#541 (Thanks @ikesyo)

- Internal refactoring Quick#546, Quick#548, Quick#552, Quick#558 and Quick#559 (Thanks @ikesyo)

- Fix test failures with Xcode 10 Quick#534 (Thanks @sharplet)
- Fix that assertion failures stop a test suite execution Quick#545 (Thanks @ikesyo)
- Fix a build error on Swift 4.2 mode Quick#549 and Quick#554 (Thanks @sunshinejr and @ikesyo)


Toggle v7.1.2's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
ikesyo IKEDA Sho
- Swift 4.2 and Xcode 10 support Quick#530, Quick#532 and Quick#536 (…

…Thanks @sharplet, @Dschee and @ikesyo)

- Fix CocoaPods integration issue regarding `APPLICATION_EXTENSION_API_ONLY` build setting Quick#525 (Thanks @ikesyo)


Toggle v7.1.1's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
ikesyo IKEDA Sho
- Improve the interoperability with CocoaPods 1.5 Swift Static Librar…

…ies support (Thanks @ikesyo)


Toggle v7.1.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
ikesyo IKEDA Sho
- Make `PredicateResult` members public for use in custom matchers Qu…

…ick#455 (Thanks @ishaanSejwal)

- Implement `satisfyAllOf` matcher and `&&` operator Quick#511 (Thanks @wongzigii)
- Xcode 9.3 support Quick#513 (Thanks @ikesyo)

- Fix `waitUntil` ignore `AsyncDefaults.Timeout` value Quick#512 (Thanks @wongzigii)

- README improvements Quick#497 and Quick#504 (Thanks @fphilipe and @revolter)


Toggle v7.0.3's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
ikesyo IKEDA Sho
- Update CwlPreconditionTesting dependency and improve Thread Sanitiz…

…er interoperability Quick#472 (Thanks @ikesyo)

- Address some SwiftLint warnings Quick#484 (Thanks @wongzigii)

- Fix Swift 4.0.2 compatibility on Linux Quick#483 (Thanks @ikesyo)


Toggle v7.0.2's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
ikesyo IKEDA Sho
This release fully supports Xcode 9 (both Swift 3.2 and Swift 4)! 🎉 T…

…his also contains a memory leak fix and some documentation updates.

- Support both Swift 3.x and Swift 4 Quick#457 (Thanks @ikesyo)
- Xcode 9 Support (Swift 3.2) Quick#446 (Thanks @shaps80 and @ikesyo)
- Address redundant conformance warnings in Swift 4 Quick#443 (Thanks @ikesyo)

- Fix memory leak when using async expectations Quick#449 and Quick#450 (Thanks @ryanfitz and @jeffh)

- README tweaks for Custom Validation Quick#462 (Thanks @holmes)
- Fix async Swift docs Quick#458 (Thanks @mrh-is)
- Show more illustrative example for waitUntil Quick#441 (Thanks @mrh-is)


Toggle v7.0.1's commit message
A small release with a hotfix for Xcode 9 and some documentation upkeep.


- Documentation update Quick#423 (Thanks @chamander)
- Fixed parameter name Quick#421 (Thanks @honghaoz)
- Fixed typos Quick#426 (Thanks @Lutzifer)


- Test in Swift 3 compatibility mode Quick#431 (Thanks @sharplet)
  - Fixes errors in Xcode 9
    `'Cannot use mutating member on immutable value: 'generator' is a 'let' constant`
- Fixed expectation regression & failure bugs Quick#428 (Thanks @jeffh)