Just open-sourced this repo. It was never meant to see the light of day, please forgive my code quality 😅
I take no responsibility for what you do with this code. No guarantee it'll work with your treadmill. If this causes damages, deaths, sadness - that's not on me!
I take full responsibility for any goodness that comes from it though! 😜
- Get a breadboard, you'll thank me later.
- I used a Raspberry Pi Zero W (with headers!)
- The white prototype board on top is the Adafruit Perma Proto Bonnet Mini Kit
- The blue thing I was soldering was a "4 Channel IIC I2C Logic Level Converter Bi-Directional 5V to 3.3V"
- The treadmill motor control board provided 12v power, so to power the Pi I bought a "DC-DC 12V to 5V Micro USB type Single USB Converter Step Down Power Module"
- Watch my Twitch stream where I talked about the creation of it.
- Photo album with schematics used for Raspberry Pi
Setup your Raspberry Pi with Raspbian following these steps.
Good luck! If you finish (success or fail!), send me pics! @danielkaspo