DiscordAuth plugin permit Discord server's owners to manage access to their Minecraft server:
First create a channel and post a message, and a reaction. People who react to this message can create an account from their DM (stored in MySQL). Player can connect to Minecraft server and do "/login " You can also setup a channel for sending informations like player's connections, disconnections and advancements! (configurable)
This plugin need JDASpigot plugin to work: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/jdaspigot.41074/
port: 3306
user: username
password: password
database: database_name
# Put here your bot token
token: token
# Put here your discord guild id
guild_id: 0
# Put here the id of the message to which you want people to react to access the server
message_id: 0
# Channel for sending information
channel_id: 0
# Reaction for user react; default is :white_check_mark:
reaction_name: U+2705
# When a player connect to the server, send embed to channel attribute to "channel_id"
enable_connection_message: true
# When a player send message on Minecraft or Discord server, send message on Discord or Minecraft server respectively
enable_shared_chat: true
# Send DM to unregister user who has react
send_message_to_unregister_users: true
# Send advancements in main channel
send_advancements: true
# If you want to encrypt ip too (ip encryption use same encryption string)
encrypt_ip: false
# If you want to add an additional string to prevent bruteforce hack (if you change it after there is passwords, You will not be able to log in!)
enable: false
string: null
# Only use for first spawn
world_name: world
x: 0
y: 80
z: 0
pitch: 0
yaw: 0
Spigot page: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/discordauth.92286/