An optimized DDPG algorithm for autonomous path planning of UAV in network-unavailable environment
- Install Unreal Engine, Visual Studio Community and Python with versions of 4.26, 2019 and 3.5 respectively.
- Download Airsim and compile it. The Plugins folder will be generated in Airsim\Unreal folder.
- Create a new project in Unreal Engine, add the Plugins folder, compile it, and then open it in Visual Studio Community.
- Download the scenario folder and unzip SoulCave and Forest.
- Add scenario\SoulCave to the content folder in the project.
- Download Landscape Mountains in Epic Game Launcher, compile and add Plugins, and replace the files in scenario\Forest into the corresponding folder of the project.
- Run the Cave or Forest project, select the map in Unreal Engine, and select AisimGameMode in world scene settings.
- Running arisim_ file. If there is no problem, you can run the entire algorithm program.