One of the most versatile wardrobe systems out there, which is compatible with the ESX framework. It offers high customisability, in terms of interactions and the visuals itself.
- Optimized 0.00 idle / 0.02 highest
- Supports the ESX Framework (qbcore soon)
- Allows players to easily switch into their work outfit
- There's no limit for the amount of outfits or wardrobes
- Support for kevlar vests and singular clothing pieces
- Wardrobes can be unlocked for specific jobs and specific grades or for everyone
- Different grades within a profession can also have different outfits
- You can also save your own outfits in the wardrobes
- Configurable notifications when changing outfit:
- esx
- okok
- quasar
- overextended
- or add your own
- Configurable ox_lib menus:
- normal menu
- context menu
- Customisable texts to accommodate all languages:
- German and English are supported by default
- Optional markers and blips are available
- Optional usage of the targeting system (ox_target)
- es_extended
- skinchanger
- ox_lib
- ox_target
- qs-notify
- okokNotify
- okokTextUI
- TxcBase
- Code is accessible: Yes
- Lines Code (approx.): 800
- Lines Config (approx.): 280