A new bungeecord & velocity plugin for writing private messages!
Translate your server! Sends the same message in different languages... Hooks into all plugins!
A bridge library plugin for using PlaceholderAPI on proxy servers
Velocity贺兰萝卜 MysqlDriverFix 修复Velocity没有mysql驱动的问题
Detect the client with which a player has connected to your server
Simple custom Rich Presence manager (Playing status) for Discord. Only supports Windows 7 and above. Features running on startup and minimizing to tray. Translated to multiple languages.
A bukkit plugin for manipulating player inventories
The powerful & intuitive homes, warps, and teleportation suite
A minimap plugin, without any clientside mods.
The most customizable tree feller ever made.
A spigot based plugin dedicated to fixing glitches and exploits that have made it into final Minecraft releases.
A simple plugin to prevent and detect redstone clocks
Powerful, modern packet-based Minecraft hologram library with text, item & block displays, leaderboards, and extensive customization.
FAuction is a 100% gui auction house management plugin. There is only one command. All gui are 100% configurable.