A simple Python tool to model the behaviour of vortices in the plane.
It is possible to plot any number of vortices of a set circulation and produce an animation of their movement over time.
Some simple examples can be found below:
So far the simulation plots a quiver plot of the direction of flow over a heatmap of the magnitude of the velocities at each point. There is a fair amount of customisability within the arguments, including a 'damping' factor that allows vortices to fade-out over time, as well as many options for the generated plot.
It is also possible to plot a pseudo-simulation of a Karman Vortex Street, as well as finding the pressure difference between two points and produce a plot.
This is a fairly simple tool that is easy to work with, but it is a simple and fast way to plot vortex motion without a fluid simulation.
The final poster can be found as a png under the title of the project: "Point Vortices and Vortex Shedding: A Computational Approach".