.NET Framework class library implementation of the Koha ILS REST API
Koha for the rest of us. Ba dum bum. So far, I've only implemented the stuff I need for a current project. Mostly adding and deleting holds, adding and deleting patrons, etc. I've also not really documented anything, but what's there, I feel, is largely self explanatory. Here's some example code:
using (KohaRESTConnection con = new KohaRESTConnection("YourBaseURL", "BasicAuthUser", "BasicAuthPassword")) {
using (Holds holds = new Holds(con)) { // All objects require the KohaRESTConnection object to talk to the server.
// They can also be used as data objects without it.
holds.Get("patron_id", "123456"); // Gets list of holds by some parameter.
foreach (Hold myHold in holds.Results)
holds.Delete(); // Deletes all retrieved hold results. Use Hold.Delete() to delete individual holds. See below.
using (Hold hold1 = new Hold(con)) {
hold1.CreateBasicHold(123456, 45678, "LIB"); // Creates a basic hold. Takes borrowermumber, biblio number, and library identifier.
Hold hold = new Hold(con);
hold.Get("hold_id", "456789"); // Retrieves single instance of a hold.
hold.Delete(); // Deletes single hold.
using (Patron patron = new Patron(con)) {
patron.Surname = "Test";
patron.Firstname = "This is a";
patron.City = "Springfield";
patron.Library_Id = "RPL";
patron.Category_Id = "Adult";
patron.Address = "123 Fake Street";
patron.State = "Hawaii";
patron.Userid = "fake.patron";
patron.Post(); // Adds a patron. Patron.CreateBasicPatron takes minimum parameters required by API.
This is set up to work with BasicAuth right now. I plan on adding oauth at some point.