git clone
git init
git remote add origin
git add .
git status
git commit -m "your commit message"
git push -u origin master
git pull
git reset --hard origin/master
git reset --hard HEAD~5
: If you have already pushed to a remote, you will get a fast-forward error because your local history diverges from the remote history.
git push -f
However, use git push --force with extreme caution because it can result in lost work if you are not careful.
gh repo create
gh repo create my-project --public --clone
gh repo create my-project --private --clone
gh repo create my-project --private --source=. --remote=upstream
git branch <yourBranchName>
git checkout -b <yourBranchName>
git branch -a
git branch --delete <branchName>
git branch -m <oldBranchName> <newBranchName>
git checkout <branchName>
git clone -b demo <link to the repo>
git checkout --detach
git init // this initializes to a working git repo
git remote add origin<your_username>/<name_of_project.git // add to your working directory
git checkout -b <name_of_your_branch> // creates a branch of that name and switches directly to it.
git add . // adds all
git commit -m "firstcommit" // does the commit to your branch
git push origin Jainick2 // now commits changes to your branch
STEP 1: Delete the Branch Locally: First, delete the branch from your local repository.
git branch -d <branch-name> # Use -d for safe delete (only deletes if branch is fully merged)
git branch -D <branch-name> # Use -D to force delete (deletes even if branch is not merged)
STEP 2: Delete the Branch Remotely: To delete the branch on GitHub, you need to push a delete request to the remote repository. This can be done using the following command:
git push origin --delete <branch-name>
# Delete branch locally
git branch -d <branch_name>
# Force delete locally (if required)
git branch -D <branch_name
# Delete branch remotely on GitHub
git push origin --delete <branch_name
- First you need to install Github CLI
- Install and set up in your Windows O.S
- Restart your terminal and write down the following command.
Use gh pr
to create the pull request
gh pr create --base master --head <yourBranchNameHere> --title <yourTitleHere> --body <yourBodyTextHere
Use gh pr list
to list how many pull requests that are there in a repository
gh pr list
This command will list all of the open pull requests in the current repository. You can also filter the results by state, author, assignee, and other criteria. For example, to list all of the closed pull requests in the current repository, you would use the following command:
gh pr list --state closed
You can also use the gh pr view command to open the pull request in a web browser. To do this, simply add the --web flag to the command. For example:
gh pr view 123 --web
To merge a pull request in GitHub using the GitHub CLI, you can use the following command:
gh pr merge
Initialise and install
git lfs
git lfs install
Track specific file types (e.g., *.png, *.jpg, *.mp4)
git lfs track "*.png" "*.jpg" "*.mp4"
git remote add origin
git lfs push --all origin main
git add .
git commit -m "Add Git LFS tracking info"
git remote add origin
Use amend
to change the commit message
git commit --amend
Remove a file from the Git Staging area
git rm --cached "fileName"
Adds any file with a .html
git add *.html
Configure git staging and pushing to your GitHub account
git config --global "your_github_username"
git config --global "your_email"
Creates a file named .gitignore
NOTE: This command is a very special command and it is used to create a file and be able to exempt
it not to be able to be pushed to the github central repository. Like /node-modules.
touch .gitignore
Clone a project in an organization in GitHub
git clone https://[email protected]/org_name/repo_name.git
Switching Remote URL's from SSH
git remote set-url origin
verify that remote URL has changed
git remote -v
Switching Remote URL's from HTTPS
to SSH
git remote set-url origin [email protected]:username/repo.git
Clear Git Remote origin
git remote remove origin
Instead of removing then reading again: You can instead use this command.
git remote set-url origin
Check if the file in your folder is up to date with the Local Repository
git remote update
Tells you whether the branch you are tracking is ahead, behind or has diverged
git status -uno
If you want to erase your whole history
and start over
rm -rf .git
If you want to remove both files
and history
rm -rf *
git fetch downloads the latest from remote without trying to merge or rebase anything. Then the git reset resets the master branch to what you just fetched. The --hard option Changes all the files in your working tree to match the files in origin/master
git fetch -all
git reset --hard origin/master
Add the first remote repo
git remote add -f [first_repo] [link_to_first_repo]
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories [first_repo]/master
Create a sub directory and move all first_repo files to it.
mkdir [first_repo]
mv * [first_repo]
git add .
git commit -m "Move first_repo files to first_repo directory"
Add the second remote repository
git remote add -f [second_repo] [link_to_second_repo]
Fix any merge conflicts and complete the merge as follows
git merge --continue
Please MOVE
them before merge error SOLVED
git clean -dxf
git pull origin master
the .git
hidden folder from the git repo
rm -rf .git
Disable GitHub popups
git config --global credential.modalPrompt false
Add GitHub large-file-system
git lfs install
- Clone the GitHub repo
git clone
- Create a branch and switch to it
git checkout -b newBranch
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
git push origin newBranch
git remote add upstream
git rebase upstream/master
# add changes to your local existing work.
creating a file from the terminal windows-CLI
touch "filename.html"
creating a file from the terminal linux-CLI
sudo nano "filename.html"
Install a package_name.deb command
sudo dpkg -i package_name.deb