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Movienow is a single page application that consumes the MovieDB API to allow you to browse movies, watch trailers, read reviews, and more. It is developed entirely in vanilla JS. The only dependencies are a few Babel and Webpack packages required for transpiling / compiling.It is also ProgressiveWepApp, so you can explore movies from your phone as well offline!

More specifically, the app allows you to:

  • Browse movies currently in theaters
  • Search for movies
  • View more movie details (trailer, reviews, and similar movies)


To install, cd to project root and run:

$ npm install

This will install the required Babel and Webpack dependencies. From there, you can build or run the app.


To build for production, cd to project root and run:

$ npm run build

This will run webpack with the --mode option set to production, which optimizes the build for a production environment. You can read more about this option here.

To build for development, cd to project root and run:

$ npm start

This will run webpack with the --mode option set to development.

Note: There are two different files for webpack modes,,


To run the app in development, cd to project root and run:

$ npm start

This will run webpack-dev-server with hot reloading, allowing you to run the app in your browser, continue to develop, and see your changes take effect live.


This application does rely on jest testing framework. Run this following command to test the whole coverage of the app:

$ npm test

This uses jest to test the whole coverage of the application.


This application is getting build in every commit/ PR with Travis.To ensure that the production build does not break.


A few optimizations have been implemented to help improve the performance of the app, including:

  • Using Lit html as template Engine for dom rendering, save dom performance, check here
  • Used CDN cloudinary for prefeching images in order to optimize image resolution, responsiveness depending on the viewport and the device here
  • Lazy loading of main poster images
  • Used Botli google's algorithm among with other minification plugins included in the webpack --prod setup
  • Caching of now playing results
  • Caching of search results
  • Local folder used for the external libraries, in order to save round trips
  • Including svgs within the app rather than relying on external loading (eg FontAwesome)
  • Including fonts with the app rather than relying on external loading (eg Google Fonts)


Movie catalog built with vanilla JS + lit-html engine






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