Display your CGM data on a mini LCD display anywhere in your home or office.
- Connects to either Dexcom Share or Nightscout.
- Shows latest glucose value, trend arrow, minutes since last reading
- Parts can be purchased for around $40
- Step-by-step instructions for setting up the Raspberry Pi
- Easy web interface for configuring access to your Dexcom or Nightscout data.
- Raspberry Pi Zero W with soldered pin headers
- 2x16 LCD Character display with i2c port expander (backpack board, currently only supports the PCF8574 chip)
- Wiring harness with 4 wires
- 4GB (or larger) micro SDCard
Depending on your display location, you might also want:
- Case for the Pi Zero W
- Stand for the LCD display (Adafruit sells a great acrylic stand)
Once the Raspberry Pi Zero W is on your wifi network and SugarPiDisplay is running, the IP address will be displayed on the LCD during bootup. Type this IP into your browser, add ":8080" on the end, and you will get the configuration page seen below.
This code is licensed under the MIT license, see the LICENSE file or tldrlegal for more information.