Scala-Spark-Mail is the utility which uses to send Spark job failure and Success message in a mail. It uses smtp protocol to send mail and primarily based on javax API. It is very easy to use, you just need to create a object and provide a complete path of Configuratin file where you need to mentioned all properties mentioned in below application.conf file.
Compiled Version
- Scala "2.11.12"
- SBT 1.2.8
Download complete Jar file directly from below path or else clone it and compile it using command
sbt clean assembly
Add this Jar dependencies in Spark Project (in build.sbt) like below:
"com.spark.mail" %% "Email" % "0.0.1" from "file:///<path of Jar>/Scala_Spark_Mail.jar"
Add module dependencies in intelliJ or Eclipse
click here for details about adding unmannaged dependecny.
Edit configuration file and add below properties
email { email_host="" email_port="587" email_username= "userName" email_password="welcome123" email_recipient="<list of receipent mail with comma separated>" email_auth ="true" email_ssl_enable="false" email_starttls_enable="true" } spark { appName = "Spark_Test_Job" }
Import method in Spark Scala Object or Class
Initialize Email Object as below
val msg = "Spark Job failed" //you can initialize msg as exception of failure
val Emailobj = new Email(<path of Conf file>)
sendMail method comes with four parameters, in which three parameters are optional. Please find below details:
sendMail(message, SparkApplicationId, MailSubjectLine,MailType,defaultMessage,ListOfAttachments)
- sendMail(message,SparkApplicationId,"","F"): Send message as Failure with subject as "Alert:Spark SparkAppName Job.".
- sendMail(message,SparkApplicationId,MailSubjectLine,"F"): Send message as Failure with subject as MailSubjectLine.
- sendMail(message,SparkApplicationId,"","S"): Send message as Success with subject as "Alert:Spark SparkAppName Job.".
- sendMail(message,SparkApplicationId,MailSubjectLine,"S"): Send message as Success with subject as MailSubjectLine.
- sendMail(message,SparkApplicationId): Send message as Success with subject as "Alert:Spark SparkAppName Job.".
- sendMail(message): Send message as Success with subject as "Alert:Spark SparkAppName Job.". It can use for Scala Job without Spark.
Default Value
- SparkApplicationId = blank ("")
- MailSubjectLine = "Alert:Spark SparkAppName Job."
- MailType = "S"
- F - For Failure
- S or Blank("") - For Success
- R - For Report
- defaultMessage = Message that display at header of message.
- default value are:
- When MailType is "F" - "Spark Job has been Failed On Date Time . Failed due to below reason:"
- When MailType is "R" - "Please find below Report:"
- When MailType is "" Or other than "F" & "R" - No Header
- default value are:
- ListOfAttachments = Complete paths of all attachment files separated by Semi Colon (;).
- default value is blank.
- It take String of complete paths of all files separated by Semi Colon (;) and Name separated by Comma within File path as below.
- When pass value as - "FilePath1;FilePath2" or "FilePath" - It send all files with Name as file system.
- When pass value as - "Name1,FilePath1;Name2,FilePath2" or "Name,FilePath" - It send all files with respective Name separated by comma (,) with File Path.
object TestSPark { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { try{ /* Logic of Spark Program */ val Emailobj = new Email(<path of Conf file>) Emailobj.sendMail(msg,appId) } catch { case e: Exception => val msg = e.toString val Emailobj = new Email(<path of Conf file>) Emailobj.sendMail(msg,appId,"","F") } } }