virtualhome Public
Forked from xavierpuigf/virtualhomeAPI to run VirtualHome, a Multi-Agent Household Simulator
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 8, 2022 -
autonomous_exploration_development_environment Public
Forked from HongbiaoZ/autonomous_exploration_development_environmentLeveraging system development and robot deployment for ground-based autonomous navigation and exploration.
C++ UpdatedNov 15, 2022 -
mseg-semantic Public
Forked from Shawn207/mseg-semanticAn Official Repo of CVPR '20 "MSeg: A Composite Dataset for Multi-Domain Segmentation"
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 31, 2022 -
Emotion and Sentiment analysis using a Bimodal approach on the MELD Dataset
Implementations of Grid Based Planners, Sampling Based Planners and Symbolic Planners in C++
tare_planner Public
Forked from caochao39/tare_plannerTARE Exploration Planner for Ground Vehicles
C++ UpdatedSep 25, 2021 -
Awesome-SLAM Public
Forked from SilenceOverflow/Awesome-SLAMA curated list of SLAM resources
MIT License UpdatedApr 5, 2021 -
awesome-robotics-libraries Public
Forked from jslee02/awesome-robotics-libraries😎 A curated list of robotics libraries and software
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedMay 18, 2020 -
player-chemistry Public
Forked from soccer-analytics-research/player-chemistryRepository for the 'Player Chemistry: Striving for a Perfectly Balanced Soccer Team' paper.
UpdatedJan 31, 2020