Official Pytorch implementations for "SegNeXt: Rethinking Convolutional Attention Design for Semantic Segmentation" (NeurIPS 2022)
Code release for "Masked-attention Mask Transformer for Universal Image Segmentation"
Wavelet Convolutions for Large Receptive Fields. ECCV 2024.
InceptionNeXt: When Inception Meets ConvNeXt (CVPR 2024)
This is an official implementation for "Swin Transformer: Hierarchical Vision Transformer using Shifted Windows" on Semantic Segmentation.
The core code of AGCA: An Adaptive Graph Channel Attention Module for Steel Surface Defect Detection
Pretrained DeepLabv3 and DeepLabv3+ for Pascal VOC & Cityscapes
ICCV2021 (Oral) - Exploring Cross-Image Pixel Contrast for Semantic Segmentation
Sanitized Grey Wolf Optimizer(SGWO)-Support Vector Regressor (SVR)
A implement of bilinear interpolation with ConvTranspose(用转置卷积实现双线性插值过程)
The interactive graphing library for Python ✨
Download images from Google, Bing, Baidu. 谷歌、百度、必应图片下载.
Awesome resources of related to deep learning).
Faster and more convenient way of ordering based on Object detection. 使用目标检测技术实现更快捷方便的点单方式