- Wuhan.China
Starred repositories
Python+Webassembly Frontend Framework via PyScript
A compiler from Go to JavaScript for running Go code in a browser
Go/Echo+Templ+Htmx: Full stack application using Golang's Echo framework & Templ templating language with user session management + CRUD to a SQLite database (To Do List) and HTMX in the frontend
🐶 Kubernetes CLI To Manage Your Clusters In Style!
Style definitions for nice terminal layouts 👄
Terminal UI library with rich, interactive widgets — written in Golang
🧊 基于 Beego + React 搭建的一套 beego-react-admin 后台管理程序模板
The web framework for content-driven websites. ⭐️ Star to support our work!
Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz! 💅🏻
☀️ A crafted admin template「vue admin / vue template / vue3 admin / vue3 template / vue3 后台 / vue3 模板」
A simplified Jira clone built with React/Babel (Client), and Node/TypeScript (API). Auto formatted with Prettier, tested with Cypress.
Free Open Source ERP CRM Accounting Invoicing Software | Node Js React
Admin Dashboard UI crafted with Shadcn-vue, Vue3 and Vite. Built with responsiveness and accessibility in mind.
A modern vue admin panel built with Vue3, Shadcn UI, Vite, TypeScript, and Monorepo. It's fast!
a vue2.0 minimal admin template
基于 vue-naive-admin 2.0版 前端框架的 golang版本做服务端
Vue Naive Admin 2.0 的后端服务,使用 Nestjs + TypeOrm + MySql + Redis 搭建,实现了 JWT 认证、菜单管理、RBAC 权限控制核心等功能
⚡️基于 Vue3 + Vite + Pinia + Unocss + Naive UI 的轻量级后台管理模板。
A Vue 3 Component Library. Fairly Complete. Theme Customizable. Uses TypeScript. Fast.