Sakomoto is an imageboard script based on fikaba
I suck at writing documentation...
- Knarka (for making the script which this was based on, fikaba)
- Moot + Thatdog (for making the script which fikaba was based on, futallaby)
- Developers of (for making the script which futallaby was based on, futaba)
- LetsPHP (for making the script which futaba was based on, GazouBBS)
- Developers of Vichan (some code was ported from Vichan/tinyboard)
- Team4chan (for accidently leaking yotsuba, the script 4chan runs on. Some code was ported from there)
- Yushe (some code and tips)
- Repod (made the JS for Saguaro beta, some JS was ported from there)
- PHP ~7
- GD 2.x
- FFMPEG (for creating webm, MP3 and txt thumbnails)
- Installing Sakomoto is easy, copy an "" config to "" in the same directory as "imgboard.php"
- Adjust config to suit the board. MAKE SURE YOU CONFIGURE YOUR DATABASE SETTINGS.
- Access "imgboard.php" from a browser
- Login to the management panel by clicking "[Manage]" at the top right. (Default password is "password")
- Click "[Account Management]" and setup accounts You're done!
BANTABLE, MANATABLE and BLOTTERTABLE should be configured the same accross all boards.
Just doing that would work...
But I recomend you change CORE_DIR, JS_DIR, CSS_DIR, FLAGS_DIR, EMOTES_DIR, PHP_BLOTTER, PHP_BANNED and CAPTCHA_IMG one level up and move those directories/files in accordance.