A simple library that consolidates packages into flake outputs for use in devShells.
Configure language server, formatter, and linter setups in your text editor's configuration, and make the relevant language servers, formatters and linters available within a devshell with a nix flake. In the example below lspconfig, nvim-lint, and conform are used to do this.
-- configure lua and nix lang servers
-- configure lua and nix linters
require("lint").linters_by_ft = {
lua = { "luacheck" },
nix = { "deadnix", "statix" },
-- configure lua and nix formatters
formatters_by_ft = {
lua = { "stylua" },
nix = { "nixfmt" },
description = "dev-enviornments example usage";
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
dev-environments = {
url = "github:nebunebu/dev-environments";
outputs = inputs:
supportedSystems = [
forAllSystems = inputs.nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs supportedSystems;
devShells = forAllSystems (
pkgs = inputs.nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
default = pkgs.mkShell {
name = "exampleShell";
packages = [
(inputs.dev-environments.lib.lua pkgs)
(inputs.dev-environments.lib.nix pkgs)
Create relevant function calls for the following and example configurations
in examples/lspconfig.lua
, examples/nvim-lint.lua
, and examples/conform.nvim
- [ ] ada
- [ ] agda
- [ ] aiken
- [ ] angularls
- [ ] ansibells
- [ ] antlersls
- [ ] assembly
- [ ] astro
- [ ] awk
- [x] bash
- [ ] c
- [ ] cpp
- [ ] clojure
- [ ] crystal
- [ ] csharp
- [ ] d
- [ ] dart
- [ ] css
- [ ] d
- [ ] docker
- [ ] elixir
- [ ] elm
- [ ] emmet
- [ ] erlang
- [ ] fennel
- [ ] fish
- [ ] fsharp
- [ ] fortran
- [ ] gleam
- [ ] groovy
- [ ] graphql
- [ ] html
- [ ] haskell
- [ ] java
- [ ] javascript
- [ ] julia
- [ ] json
- [x] lua
- [x] latex
- [ ] kotlin
- [ ] nickel
- [ ] markdown
- [x] nix
- [ ] nvim
- [ ] ocaml
- [ ] objectivc
- [ ] powershell
- [ ] protobuf
- [ ] python
- [ ] r
- [ ] ruby
- [ ] rust
- [ ] scala
- [ ] shell
- [ ] sql
- [ ] swift
- [ ] terraform
- [ ] toml
- [ ] typescript
- [ ] vala
- [ ] vhdl
- [x] xml
- [x] yaml
- [ ] zig
- [ ] zsh