/* "Intelligent Car" is a project conducted in national school of applied sciences Tanger-Morocco during summer 2014 and more precisely within the Image Processing Laboratry.
It's Goal is to aspire to an intelligent car able to recognize traffic signs while moving.
For this purpose we have used a neural network classifier after having conducted a dimensionality reduction on the data Set using PCA. ( 98.95% precision achieved ) */
/* author
@author : TEUDJIO MBATIVOU Junior (Aspiring Data Scientist) @mail : [email protected] @linkedin : ma.linkedin.com/pub/junior-teudjio/8a/25b/3a1 */
/* _project tutor
@tutor : ABDELHAK Ezzine ( Professor at ENSA Tanger) @mail : [email protected] */
/* DataSet Citation
@Ref to the dataSet : http://benchmark.ini.rub.de/?section=gtsrb&subsection=dataset
J. Stallkamp, M. Schlipsing, J. Salmen, and C. Igel. The German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark: A multi-class classification competition. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, pages 1453–1460. 2011.
author = {Johannes Stallkamp and Marc Schlipsing and Jan Salmen and Christian Igel},
booktitle = {IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks},
title = {The {G}erman {T}raffic {S}ign {R}ecognition {B}enchmark: A multi-class classification competition},
year = {2011},
pages = {1453--1460}
This file describe the "INTELLIGENT CAR PROJECT":
a) 1_loadDataSet.cpp : this code is used to construct the dataSet in a .txt format from raw .ppm image files
b) 2_shuffleDataSet.cpp : this code is used to shuffle the dataSet
c) 3_create_PCA_CovMatrix.cpp : this code is used to generate the PCA covariance matrix used for dimensionnality reduction
d) 4_trainNeuralNet.cpp : this code is used to train a neural network for classifying road sign images and then save the generated model
e) 5_recognition.cpp : this code is used to compute traffic sign images recognition
f) CMakeLists.txt : CMake file use to execute each of these files.
a) OpenCV installed : http://askubuntu.com/questions/334158/installing-opencv
b) CMake installed : http://www.cmake.org/install/
a) execute each piece of code of the project in the order they are listed in Section (1):(PROJECT FILES)
b) for that you will have to use the CMakeList.txt provided
/* Modified by NodYoung李亚楠
In order to use and study the coder easily. I compile this project through VisualStudio2010 and OpenCV2.4.8 under Window7.
Due to the limition of upload file size, some related files can be downloaded via: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qXxWN1q.